You are missed #3

@Juli1 hope to see you around soon. Hope you had a smooth back to work.


To be as honest as @Crazy_Dutchie

I am not okay, relapsed again in drinking and yesterday in ED. On top I am in contact with this difficult guy, even personal. :smirk:

I am back to work but it’s putting pressure on me and making this fainting feeling. Need to change mindset.

I am ashamed to write again and again about the relapses last weeks. I have the willing to get back to life as it was between 22.07. and 21.12.

I know, I need to get that ass up again Franzi!

Thank you so much for thinking of me.


We are here for you. You know you are not alone in this cycle. Many of us lived in it. There is a way out. Reach out. Don’t isolate with booze in your home. When ODAAT is too long cut into smaller chunks.


Ach girl :pleading_face: What are you doing?
Maybe you wanna try AA? I was there 3 times, it wasn’t for me but it had a huge impact anyway on something inside of me.
And @Mephistopheles always found the right words, tough and kind, to remind me how important it is to stay sober.
You know you have to change something or you’ll spiral down, you know I’m right.
All the best to you, I hope you’re able to get out of that.


Thank you both so much
@anon74766472 :white_flower:
@Sabrina80 :white_flower:

Ohja - what is she doing.
Today I feel strong.

ODAAT is okay, I think…
As the evenings are difficult, maybe I will cut the evenings in hours or 2h-sets. This is a good suggestion.

I was thinking about getting some help.
Not sure if AA is the right thing to me, as an atheist. Maybe there is a group for general addictions, as mine are also switching. I will search for something like this in my region.

Will head to work now and do my job.

Hugs :people_hugging: :people_hugging:


Here are things that have helped other ppl on here with long term sobriety.

Resources for our recovery

Your #1 tip for sobriety (over 2 years sober)

If nothing changes, nothing changes.
AA is not for the religious, it is for those who are willing.
Best of luck!


I found some good meetings in Kreuzbund and Freundeskreis which have community even though Kreuzbund is catholic associated I have never heard one word about God in these meetings. I appreciate my women’s Kreuzbund group a lot and will try a new one here wher I moved to.


Thank you so much…
I bookmarked it and will read through it and c what works for me.


@SadMemeQueen Not sure If ive missed seeing ur posts but you popped up in my mind today. Just wanting to see if ur okay :slight_smile:


If not AA…another group. Groups such as SMART, recovery dharma as examples.

1 Like

Thanks a lot! I searched about this recovery dharma and that sounds realy interesting to me as a yogi :woman_in_lotus_position:t2:
They also have several online meetings that would be a nice first step…

@anon74766472 I also found such a Freundeskreis group in my area :pray:t2: maybe I will give it a try.

0,8 days free…
Will sleep early and sober :upside_down_face:


Still thinking about you @Chosen2001 . Hope you are good .


I miss all those people obviously advertising their blogs, websites, comedy careers, etc. always talking about how they are here to be active members but we all know they are just here to spam the forum


For real man!!

Did I mention my IG, follow me here, follow my career here?

I think one or two people from the site follow me on SM or my ventures, but I have personal relationships with them, I kept to my “this is for support for me” not a place to promote me


@Chiron hope you’re well, friend.


Thank you :heart: I am doing okay, thank you for thinking of me. My elderly cat has had some health issues, I recently had a friend die, my mother just had major surgery, and a basket of other things that have all wanted my attention. Tie that into the holiday season (which tends to just exhaust me by the end), and my own health problems and I’ve sort of fallen off the map in some ways. :sweat_smile:


Hopefully staying strong in sobriety. :heart: Life can definitely kick our asses sometimes. Sending strength to you.


Life most certainly can kick our asses sometimes. Sobriety has been okay, though there have definitely been days when I’ve felt like giving up. Mostly due to my overall exhaustion. The lack of sleep from my cat waking me up all through the night for the last three years has been a blow to my health and stamina, but she is family and while she has many health issues, she’s not ready to move on yet. I don’t want to lose her. She’s been in my life for 19 years, but I am also ready to let her go when it’s her time. It’s a difficult situation on many fronts. I think I will be fine though. The downside has been that it makes it hard to give up caffeine and my sugar cravings have gone through the roof over time! :laughing: :crazy_face:


I understand about your cat friend. :cat2: :heart:

Be sure to take care of your self with as much dedication and care as you do for kitty. You both deserve all that love. :heart:


My sweet kitty wakes me up during the night, she’s insistent. I can give her wet food before I go to sleep, it’s in there but she still wants to wake me up to show it to her. She’s capable, she just acts like a baby sometimes. Last night she woke me up three separate times. She doesn’t want to just wake me up she wants me to wake up and get up. After I do then she settles back in and she goes sound asleep.
Sometimes I wonder if she isn’t trying to save me from a certain death. Thinking about you and your precious.