You are missed #3

What a nice think to be mentioned here! Thank you, @Faugxh :hugs:
I am doing well, thank you. Actually doing my best to get back to running after very long lasting (11 months!) injuryā€¦

How are you?


Thank you Alisa, you are always very kind. Thank you for thinking of me. I am doing well thank you and I hope you are too.


Things are going good.

Got amazing news, My Dad, the one that adopted me,has decided to gift me some property so we can order a prefabricated house and start building next spring. I have been trying so hard the last couple of years to pay off debt and work on credit. This property is being gifted from the same man I asked a few years ago to pay for my ankle monitor but he refused to and said I needed to learn from my mistakes to go to jail to sober up. He is a big reason why I finally decided to sober up, I was tired of being a disappointment and only talking to him when I needed to get out of a jam that I put myself in. This just proves that the program of Alcoholics Anonymous does work if you work it. Thanks to everyone here always checking on me and rooting fory sobriety, that always helps too and being able to come into this forum and vent my heart away.
Anyways hope you all have a wonderful day.


Thatā€™s such great news. I find it really amazing how over time everything seems to fall into place. Happy to hear you are doing so well. :orange_heart:


Wonderful news!! You deserve all good things in life!!!

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@Jante76 - I thought of you today when I had a very minor and low speed incident with my bike and a concrete barrier. I found out that the incident detection on my bike computer works just great! The notification went out and because I responded to the alarm on the computer, the next message sent out was ā€œIā€™m okā€. I did get lightly grilled when I got homeā€¦:slight_smile:


Oh man, still itā€™s never fun crashing no matter how minor. What computer do you use? Garmin? Glad your ok. Howā€™s the bike?

Unfortunately I havenā€™t ridden at all this year other than some neighborhood rides with the kids. New job is 5 min away and that commute to my old work was 90 percent of my riding.

I did start playing hockey about a year ago for something new to suck at so Iā€™ve been playing some menā€™s leagues several nights a week. I definitely wouldnā€™t be doing it if I was still drinking!!


Thatā€™s really exciting, Suzanne! Iā€™m so happy and proud of you!

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Hey Jason, yes I use a Garmin Edge. Getting it synced with my phone can be a pain sometimes, but I like it otherwise. Iā€™m dealing with a foot injury, may be looking at surgery, so my racing has been nil this year. I still train to tolerance. Iā€™m not giving up yet. Trail running causes pain a lot less quickly, so Iā€™m switching to that for running. If it works out, I might think about getting a gravel bike and trying one of these offroad races. I donā€™t think there any local here so I may have to start with something virtual. But first up is the final EMG test (electrical testing of the nerve pathways and yes it is as painful as it sounds).

Like you say, not sober I would have tossed in the towel a long time ago and boo-hooā€™d over my self-pity drinking myself into a stupor.
I like this way better, for sure. Thanks for your reply, itā€™s good to know youā€™re hanging in.


Hello! Iā€™m good! I posted last week on our Gratidudes thread - but work served me up a deadline (not stressful just time-consuming), and that - combined with the icky coworker situation (stressful tbh), had me taking breaks away from print on screens. Lotsa walks with the dog girl, time on the yoga mat, some extra recovery dharma, ā€¦and gelato, of course!

Oh, and since this postā€¦? :point_down:

ā€¦Iā€™ve got a month tucked in my pocket. :relieved:

Iā€™m grateful for your shout out! Thank you, Franzi. :orange_heart:


I am glad to read you are doing well! Congratulations on your 31 days :upside_down_face: and Bonne nuit of course.
I am off to work in some minutes.


I use the same background!!! Well done on your days, amiga.

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Oh man, that sucks about the foot. When will you find out if you need surgery?

I did buy a gravel/cyclocross bike about 2 years ago. I did one cx race but no gravel races.

There is a pretty big gravel scene around here with several organized weekly rides. Which is a nice alternative to riding on the road.

Iā€™ll get out for a few rides though.

Iā€™m waiting on the podiatrist to call me to set things up - could be a while. I will call my sports doctor this week to follow up, make sure the specialist has my referral.

@Hazy Hey friend - I miss seeing you around. I hope things are okay with your son and with you too. :orange_heart:


Thank you! 'm back. I was away for a wedding.
Iā€™m so glad to be home. But I am starting day 1 again. I was really hoping to stay sober while I was away but I didnā€™t. Iā€™m going to let it go. I didnā€™t embarras myself or anything but I woke up with that awful hangxiety and started questioning things I said or if I appeared too drunk. I actually asked my husband and my daughter(yes she was there and was aware that I was drinking) but they both said I seemed ok. My daughter said it was obvious to her but most people would not have noticed too much. Still, itā€™s an awful feeling and I wish I could have stayed sober but I let the stress get to me. Anyway Iā€™m back and Iā€™ll be here every morning to check inā™„ļø


What a great update! Having your own place, where you own the dirt you stand onā€¦nothing like that feeling.

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Thatā€™s wonderful news! Congratulations :innocent: The best thing about it is that feeling of working for it, one day at a time, and seeing the fruits. Good for you! :+1:t2:

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@Kaeo I havenā€™t seen you around, hope youā€™re well!


Iā€™m here. I keep relapsing. :frowning:
Not blackout bad but canā€™t seem to just not drink.
Itā€™s stress. Still adjusting to being in USA. Worried about money (yeah I know ā€¦ buying beer doesnā€™t help) Iā€™m not drinking a LOT like 3 cans a night but I NEED TO STOP. Ugh. Like all my hard work down the drain. Gotta get back on the program.

Going to hop on a online meeting today. Day 1.