I’m doing well! I’ll try to drop in and spread my story and provide hope. I’m no where near perfect, but acceptance and god have taken me far.
What happened to @Mewilhoward…???
lol oh wow you changed your name? to @ProfessorOak?! i thought you deleted your account i was about to be really sad lol
Every now and then someone will comment on a very old post, and I’ll be reading the comments and think “who are these folks?” Then I realize they were once active members on this forum, and for some reason, fell away. I’m sad, and I never knew them, and I think they might have relapsed and are in deep kimchee right now. Even the sober selfies thread can get me sad, when I see a bunch of names I don’t recognize. Then I think, I’ve only been active here for less than 90 days, and feel so connected to a bunch of folks here…I can’t imagine how bummed I’d be if someone just “fell away”…so don’t do it, or I’ll be like:
Yes, that’s the unfortunate part of this disease. That’s why people do shout-outs to others and message them privately. You grow close on here and are missed.
I was just thinking this same thing earlier. I was reading the birthday thread and I had no clue who 95% of those people were. I think @Melrm was the only one I recognized for most of it. I so don’t want that to be us! Everyone must stay clean and present!
BTW, nice new avatar @Melrm!
I’m so glad you posted this. Now I know not to Miss you!
Haha your stuck here forever
There have been some pretty awesome folks here. I still miss the sass of @Quitter …hope you are okay.
Hey I was just wondering about @Soberwarrior8027 myself! I just got on here to post to her and you already did… missing her too!
@Dan_alexander is missing too, looks like his account is gone too he’s good people!
I hope that Rikk is in a good spot, and Oliver J too
Hey @Cobaltchris…I can tell you that Angie is doing great. She wishes she could tell you herself.
Ok thankz hope for good health