Breath - 30 Day Yoga Journey (Yoga With Adriene)

29 - believe :heavy_check_mark:

Every end is a new beginning

So I did a bit of reflection after day 28, and there’s still another day to go… But still, very nearly at the end of the month. Something that’s come up for me a lot, not just through this yoga journey, is believing that we have what we need to get through what’s in front of us.

Some tests in there today, one armed plank and the standing splits pose. Phew!

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Day 19 done.
I was NOT feeling up to it this morning, kiddo was running rings around me and I didnt get a great sleep so was very moody and tense.
Just finished and I feel so much better. Took the opportunity to take 10 deep and slow breaths in corpse pose at the end which I feel helped.
Today was very gentle too.

I’m struggling with Adrienne. I’ve been doing the 30 day Breathe and just finished day 23 but found myself screaming at my computer as she went on and on and on. Her chatter is killing me. I was in a pretty good mood before I started day 23 and I realize that screaming in frustration at my laptop is probably the opposite of what this program is designed to achieve. The yoga part has been fine and I’m planning to finish the 30 days for the sake of completion but I think I’m about done with Adrienne.


Something from my meditation class this morning - it’s good to have annoying people in our life as an opportunity to practice patience :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Day 20 done. Loved it today. Not sure if I’m getting stronger or it was an easy one :thinking:
I’m much more flexible and can get my head on my knees now when I’m sitting on the floor with my feet out in front of me (not sure what its called)
I definitely couldn’t do that 20 days ago! :flushed::laughing:

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This one.


Day 30 - begin :heavy_check_mark:

Begin with the breath

So I realise this is the first 30 day YWA I’ve actually completed because that’s the first freestyle yoga session I’ve done. Just went with the flow, didn’t make it intense but tried to add a few things in to get the muscles working. Interrupted by the puppy after about 35 mins and lasted to 40 before I had to accept defeat and get up to stop my hair being chewed!


I am really proud of you for completing this with everything you have going on. You are a rock star in my book! Yoga Queen!


I am going to start a thread for February. Otherwise, I will start out feeling behind. It’s my plan to do Yoga, some yoga every day. Beyond that, who knows? Sober. :white_check_mark: Yoga. :white_check_mark:


Nice! I started the YWA February playlist this morning. Kind of intended to try something new… But I like her so am sticking with it :face_with_hand_over_mouth:🤷

How is your back, have you found anything in particular that is at the right level for you at the moment? Or do you just have to make your own modifications?


My back is much, much better! My neck is still really giving me some trouble. I have been doing back stretches and modifying is working out just fine. Slow and steady.


I almost always have her on mute. I know what you mean about the chipper chatter. But I find I do get something out of the movement and I like the themes even if I don’t listen to all the talking. Also love Benji. I have not been doing it every day but got up to day 11 in Breath, and it’s good. I like pigeon and all the hip stretching ones best. I’m very stiff from desk sitting and those moves help a lot.


Yep, I’ve appreciated the 30 day program overall and found it helpful to do the stretches and to relieve stress. The breath techniques were new to me and they’re good for me. I also agree with you about the pigeon and hip stretching exercises (I need to do them because I run). I can’t mute her though or I’ll never know what she’s doing. Some days are better than others— in fact, I’ve mostly enjoyed the 30 day experience. I completed day 26 today. I think there have been one or two days that were particularly frustrating where she keeps telling us to focus on our breath but then proceeds to blabber on so that all I focus on his my desire to not hear her but overall it’s been beneficial. :grinning:


I somehow didn’t see this thread til now! I finished it yesterday and loved it. I did another one of her 30 day programs earlier in 2020, but this was the first time I got to do one each day as it rolled out. I missed a couple days but managed to get back on track by doubling up afterward. I tended to do the session in the morning after meditation or in the afternoon as the end of my exercise time/cool down. Overall a really great experience and it was nice to have a committment to yoga every day!


February thread going if you are carrying on :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 30. It feels really really good to finish a challenge. And to catch up after being in and out.
I have not finished many challenges I put myself up to. What a sense of accomplishment when you do it!


Did day 21 yesterday and day 22 today.
Excited to see what the rest is like and to complete it all. I’ve never done a 30 day challenge before. :grin:
I will 100% be continuing with yoga after this.


How’s it going? Still getting the days done? :pray::sparkling_heart:

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Hey! Yeah great, thanks :blush:. I didn’t realise I haven’t checked in in so long.
Up to day 25 today so almost done! :star_struck:

I saw Adriene has another 30 day challenge on her page so I’m just going to go straight into that once I’ve finished this. Really been enjoying it.


Nice! Yea she’s done quite a few. Which one are you looking at?

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