Checking in daily to maintain focus #52

Good evening friends, day 833. Doing fine. Plugging along. Just life and work and all that. I have been lurking and reading all of your posts… Just haven’t felt much like speaking lately.
Have an awesome evening! I am going to complete mine sober.


tonight will be day 361 of no self harm

it’s insane how close I’m getting to one year. typically milestones make me feel a little self destructive but so far not really. definitely had very brief thoughts but I feel they’re more out of habit than anything because I immediately think “wtf was I thinking I don’t even want that”

went to my grandpa’s today. it was uneventful. however my uncle did smoke in my mom’s car when they went to get food and the smell of his cigarettes is one of my biggest triggers. still on the way home, but I’m hanging out with a friend when I get home anyway. I’m just going to change my clothes when I get home and I’ll be fine.

going to practice driving tomorrow and getting my hair cut and dyed tomorrow. I will post a before and after. my autism makes me pretty anxious about haircuts but I typical love them after I just need a week or 2 to adjust

hope you all have a good and sober night


Glad ur still doing well Charlie! :relaxed:


Cant wait to see your new hair do! Glad ur not experiencing too many thoughts surrounding ur 1 year thats coming up! Super excited about that!


:first_quarter_moon_with_face: Evening Check In :first_quarter_moon_with_face:
Day 377
Today was pretty uneventful, which is sometimes how i prefer it. I went to work. Was able to leave 2 hours early since my client was home on a family visit, which was nice. Came home to clean up and make supper. Did some planning on my workout routine for Monday. Normally i tend to focus on weight lifting but i want to up my cardio everyday. So will focus on cardio with moderate weight lifting and see what results come up for me. Eating needs to improve also. Its not bad but its not great either. Just want to feel better overall. That stomach bug really threw me for a loop. Anyway, i will get back on track :slight_smile: Going to get my son ready for bed and relax. Hope everyone is doing okay.


Yeah you are!!!


Eyup fam,

Checking in 1 month, 25 days & 12 hours into working on a better self. :muscle:

I am strong.
I am flexible.
I am motivated.
I am courageous.
I am confident.
I am committed.
I am disciplined.
I am determined.
I am focussed.
I am caring.
I am intelligent.
I am wise.
I am aspiring.
I am initiative taking.
I am bright.
I am hopeful.
I am capable.
I am in control.
I am fearless.
I am grateful.
I am loving.
I am honest.
I am fair.
I am persevering.
I am rational.
I am moral.
I am free.
I am healthy.
I am positive.
I am optimistic.
I am unique.
I am independent.
I am striving.
I am complete.
I am worthy.
I am conscious.
I am mindful.
I am myself.



Way to go my friend!!! This is HUGE!!


Amazing! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Congrats!


Checking in day 230 AF :star: I love making memories that i can keep


That was impressive list. Day 19 complete for me.
…i walked my dog jackson and read some john sanford. I lived today sober. That’s enough😀


Sounds like a great day to me!:grinning:


Hello friends. Just clicked over to 625 days AF. Hope everyone is having a nice weekend.


Awesome number! I hope to forever be right behind you…well half way behind you :slight_smile:

Hows day 625 feel?


Congratulations @Cjp Been great sharing your journey with you watching you think through and deal with the hurdles! You win! I’m so happy for you!


Trying to take it easy Day 13 AF
G morning sober family, let’s go get it, read equinimity :person_in_lotus_position::pray: Stop avoiding the dishes Owen!!!
Grateful for loving forgivenesstext chapter in Noah’s book in Refuge Recovery meeting today with new Sangha!!
Needed it as Hun got crashed into last night in our truck. Truck write off but most importantly Huns fairing like a trooper with mostly bruises and such. She can try to heal up , Dr gave her the week off work. Quite a fright !!

This crash makes me reflect on me being out there on my motor scooter :motorcycle: . Pray: Love absolute I will trust in you and live with a loving heart in Sangha and face my fear to reduce my fear.
Hoping your having a healthy weekend substance free and loving life ODAAT peace in the present moment says Eckhart :heart::heart::heart::person_in_lotus_position::person_in_lotus_position::pray::pray::hugs::hugs:


Fell asleep before logging in and touching base last night.

18 days sober and 8 hours. So grateful for my sponsor and the recovery community.


Congratulations madame! Nice work!:confetti_ball::tada::confetti_ball:


Congratulations to triple digits!:confetti_ball::tada::confetti_ball:


Welcome Steve to TS!