Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness đŸ”„ (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 2)

Oh. After using it for about half year just found new feature witch actually can be useful. So you can choose different main screens, but yeasterday I find out that you actually can choose different things to show. Like for myself I choosed to show: heart rate, weekly mileage, recovery time, battery, bluetooth connection, sync and so on. Everything on the screen now. Also can choose different colors. Not much, but still might be helpful :+1:


This is a few months ago.

Ill Give yall a new tomorrow, unless i make it rest day :face_exhaling:


Aite, im back.
I didnt sleep last night, so i thought my workout would be trash, if i even went.

But man
 i put my FOOT in this workout today.
Hope you all are able to get yours today too.


I have a watch since yesterday and I’m so in love :slight_smile: I made first run with watch and phone to compare results and was perfectly the same. While running I was checking watch from time to time cause it was showing much shorter distance that I know my route is and was a bit angry but then realised it was in miles :wink: And while on my garmin app on the phone I have metrics, I can’t change it on my phone
 But it’s not a big deal. Probably it’s possible to change but I don’t know how yet :wink:
I’m happy with my watch, thanks guys for your wisdom, as always :blue_heart:


It’s easy to change! Just go to the app.

Click on the 3 dots in the bottum right “meer”

Click on “gebruikers instellingen”

Click on “maateenheden”
And choose the one you prefer.
Done! :white_check_mark:



Yeah. Let’s talk. I think I will be off the script today

So having Flu. It su*ks to skip trainings, after being sick, not eating much, sweating you usually loose a lot of mass and first trainings after skipping some is always hard. Hey, but overall I did it many years with drinking, skipping trainings, being sick. That’s what I notice when training sober - the results are much much greater and quite visible on photos comparison. It’s like I been blind all the time while drinking, it was hard for me to realise on how much difference it makes.

Anyway, I am changing a lot in my diet, started to run again after my knee injury. I have much more lean muscle mass, but don’t get me wrong, I still have a lot of fat and overall I think - building mass when training without hormones and anabolic steroids - I think it is much healthier to build that mass when you already have suitable lean basis. Ofcourse it all depends on different genetics. Without running I was more focused on weight training and tried to bulk as much as possible before cutting and going back to running. discipline.

Knee still hurst when kneeling down (it’s almost half year now) I think it is meniskus injury and there is not much you can do. Don’t get me wrong it is not that bad and I really had no time to go to docs, been working for almost 12 hours a day and not even had Summer vocations. I think I will check my knee when I will do yearly rehabs of my damaged wrist nerves. Then I will have time.

To be honest a lot of changed in my spiritual views. I really am not much focused on my physical health as before and I am happiest I ever been. It’s hard to explain my views without digging in hours and hours of talks about ancient teachings and quantum physics, but overall it is explainable in terms of quantum. Remember Wave–particle experiments. It’s like reality is not as real as we think it is. When we sort of meditate on it it can rechape itself, on other terms - Miracles happen, but once we focusing our brains on it - there is not much space for miracles left. Same is with serious Health patients when some comes back like a miracle, or with Athletes who are reaching unimaginable and overall many things in life are born in free minds where people are dreaming of something that is not yet present. Because they Believed.

Saying it simple - Believe is very important and yes Believe need Action to be added, but all I want to say is I am learning to leave more free space for greater things to come, leaving more space for understanding that I am not a final product of this reality, but a continuation of much greater inertia than myself.


Beautiful share @zzz


Quick question about pre work outs lads,
Im looking to stop using caffeine altogether as my sleeping pattern is wrecked,ive tried cutting down but id rather just drop it all together now.
Im up early so I mostly train in the late afternoon so im used to having a couple of shots of coffee or energy drinks before and during my workout.
Is there anything i could use as a replacement for caffeine for a boost.
I already use coco pops an honey as a quick hit carb for energy before workout.
Thanks :muscle::+1:t2:


Thank you. Thank you. :slight_smile:

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Despite some niggling shoulder pain that seems to come and go, still been working out 4 times a week.
@Tony1878 this is something that interests me also. I don’t take any pre workouts other than the occasional coffee.


If you are looking for something without coffeĂŻne maybe you could try this:

I replaced my first-thing-in-the-morning coffee with this and its working fine for me. Tastes really good too.

Yerba mate is also my thing but definitely you have to get used to this taste, not for everyone :slight_smile:

Matcha tea (powdered green tea) is game changer too (without milk!).

Basically, I was looking for healthy coffee replacement cause when I stopped drinking alco, i started drinking insane amounts of coffee. Ended up drinking it all, coffee matcha yerba mushrooms
 :sweat_smile: Luckily I hate smell and taste of energy drinks (red bull etc), at least i don’t drink those.

Ps: all that I mentioned above (except redbull things) are super healthy too. Good luck with replacing coffee!


Thanks Mischa,ill look into all that you’ve mentioned,i worked with a Argentinian girl a few years ago and she showed me how to use this yerba mate your right it is a funny get used to


Looking good there Seb,ive training for 5 yrs now and ive always used some kind of pre work out,tablet form,coffee or energy drinks so i dont no any different,maybe it will turn out that i will be ok without them after a few weeks,we will soon see!!,yeah i had one of them shoulder injuries myself,couldnt get rid for months and I had to change my whole routine to work around it,i ended up not using my right shoulder at all for just under a month and it cleared up,minor strength loss also which was a bonus

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I use a cafein free pre workout.
This one:

And a coffee with cold water just before getting started :wink:


thank you,
I think im going to try something like this for my pre workout and change my absurd amount of daily double espressos for Rouibos tea :grinning: :+1:


Does yard work and weedwacking count? Because I’m feelin it all over because I’m old lol :laughing:


It DEFINITELY counts yes!! Looks like you worked up a bit of a sweat! :joy:

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Thanks I sure did lol :laughing:

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I love my Garmin Fenix Pro 6, the app is free and it does everything I want. I had a Garmin Forerunner it was my first “smart watch”
 I also loved that one, but I wanted a little more. I love the app, you can find friends and see what activities they are doing too. I have a few friends and we compare miles in a month and we can all see each others stats


Heeey people with Garmin! Maybe we could make some sober group on garmin app? Its extra motivating if someone sees if you active or couch potatoing :wink: