H.ungry A.ngry L.onely T.ired

Giving this thread a bump. @Dazercat @TimesSquare
Dont know how to send a link … I would need extremely detailed instructions to learn how, this tech. stuff, if only briefly, makes me angry… Lol

Edit … guess this way works just tag people… you’re it gents :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Bookmarking it now.

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I’ll school ya later buddy. Cooking dinner.

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Today I’ve been dealing with HALT since I woke up for the first time at 3.45 a.m. Been so tired I fell asleep twice since. Feeling lonely because my husband is NOT at home despite we wanted to make a nice sunday :disappointed_relieved::rage:
I’m not hungry because I cooked yesterday and love leftovers but I’m angry that my husband grumbled when I will cook. Now that you ask: NOT TODAY! :exploding_head: Eat your leftovers and f@#$%^&ck off. More silly questions? grrrrrr …
More an issue for the partner thread but I place it here. Good to check HALT and destract myself.


I hear ya. Erntedank :grimacing::heart:
I’m grateful you got your cats.
I’m grateful your husband isn’t home drunk.
I’m grateful I see you working the H. A. L. T.
tenor (4)


I needed this today. Thank you!


84 days.

Hungry. No, not at all. I had a big breakfast.
Angry (anxious). Yes. Extremely. I’m angry that I’m at my partners house and hound his stash of empty vodka bottles for the week. I’m angry that after drinking a bottle last night, he got another half bottle and drank all of that too. I’m angry that he choses this instead of spending time with me. I’m angry that I had ‘this Naked Mind’ for him to read and he didn’t read it. I’m angry because he says he wants to cut down but never does anything about it. All of this equals extreme anxiety for me. I’m angry with myself because I wish I could get past his drinking, but the smell and being drunk is unappealing, and I don’t want to sit on a couch all day wasting the day watching him drink and watching mindless TV, but this is what I have to do now if I want to see him.
Lonely. Yes. Due to the above. What’s the point in having a partner if I never see him. Let’s not even talk about the lack of sex!
Tired. I’m extremely tired of everything I wrote under ‘angry’. I’m sick of it, I’m tired of being let down, I’m tired of being angry and anxious. I’m tired of being alone and feeling second best to a bottle. I’m tired everything right now. I’ve been starting to dread the nights he’s coming over. And that makes me sad.

Thanks for listening.


sending strength and prayers. try to do some self care

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Haven’t posted my halt for a while but its there. I have been tired a lot lately and lonely, which I am getting used to but not sure that I actually want to get used to it. I need to share it, then the next step, I think, find a solution and apply it. All this work requires work, and action, I know this, Easier said than done, but do it.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:


I’m really proud of you Amalia for working so hard on your sobriety. Believe me I know how bad all you said is and it sucks. It sucks big time!! It’s really hard living with a drinker. Mine is passed out on the couch after we had a lovely evening out for dinner. That’s why I started my thread.
I keep trying to remind myself. If I’m always concentrating on her drinking. I’m not concentrating on my recovery.
And my favorite reading I pull up a lot.

We really are powerless over someone else’s actions.
Hang in there friend.


Thank you so much @Dazercat. You have helped me so much. I told him about HALT today and told him what I had written. He listened with no interruption and agreed with me completely. But after that, he got another bottle of vodka, saying tomorrow is a clean start. I’ve heard it too many times, it’s an empty sentence.
I am determined to hang on to my sobriety and I will protect it at all lengths.
Thanks for your support. I know you have had a hard time of it too.


I feel with you. It’s exhausting. I am very careful to stick to my boundaries and go my way when he choses to drink. I don’t waste time on drunk him, nor on hangover him. I most times stop communicating and leave. My time is precious and I don’t waste it on the drunk jerk he becomes. That might sound cruel but I love him when he is sober. I won’t lift a finger when he drinks. That’s out of my responsibility and I like it to stay there.
Sending you hugs and good vibes :hugs:


Thank you, I totally relate! I like the ‘drunk jerk’ bit. Not cruel at all, just a fact. Mine is annoying and obnoxious, and can’t have a conversation, or maybe he can, I just don’t understand the slurring!!
Sorry you are going through the same, but it’s comforting for me to know I’m not alone.
Alcoholism is an absolute monster! :cry:


As Easter is approaching I realize that I have to use HALT more. With all the “Easter Cleaning” - big thing here, and it’s good to get rid of all the winter dust in the house - and friends coming to visit I feel nervous (like always), exhausted, only see work instead of joy (dammed perfectionism). It is important for me

  • going to bed early, getting the 8 h sleep I need to wake up rested

  • eat three meals a day, drink much water and tea, more then normally, I need it and tend to forget

  • make a plan for the day and stick to it. If I don’t I get lost, that makes me angry, I feel lonley (poor girl has to do all by herself pity party :woman_facepalming:) and the likelihood of grabbing a drink explodes. HALT helps to cut that spiral :pray:

Just wanted to share this :orange_heart::sunflower:


@Macy2020 some good stuff on this thread and the daily gratitude as well

Give this topic a little anger bump and maybe a touch of lonely. Lonely because I’m single have been for a while, it has its ups also, this i know, havent always been single :wink: Lonely because my plans to visit a friend of mine for some food and a game of cribbage fell through, he says he is sick, which is sad. Angry because my housemates are loud. Angry becuase they leave the place a mess. Angry because it’s my day off and instead of being able to cook, clean and do laundry at home I’m at the laundraumat because my housemate literally broke the front off the washer in what I hear was a drunk rage. Angry at myself that I basically threatened him after trying to talk with him, he is a frail old guy with plenty of his own issues and I know this. I am not hungry or tired so that is good. Writing this all out helps to vent a bit. I don’t like to post all the negatives on the threads I use more often. This too shall pass, clothes are in the dryer now, it got me out of the house. The sun is shining. Will talk it out with housemates when eveeyone is more calm. I will get active clean the mess or suggest kindly that they need to. I will pray and get my ass into to a seat at a meeting tonight.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are totally wonderful, smile. Ya you!!


Sorry to hear about the rough spots these days but I admire you keeping perspective on it and staying constructive. You’re doing good Brian :raised_hands: :innocent:


thanks matt


One of the many bonuses of this site. I can look back and see how long ago (Nov. 2021) I mentioned some issue, like my stomache, finally got a letter a few weeks ago for a phone consultation June 16, 2022. Doctor stuff can really test our patience as patients hah ha This progress is better than me ignoring it or not even being aware of it like I did for the decades I was drunk and stoned.


I’m really proud of you for following through and I’ll be looking for an update after that phone consult. Fingers crossed it’s something minor.

I still have a tendency to ignore health issues and hope they go away just like I did in active addiction. One of these days I’ll start taking my health seriously. In the meantime, I’ll live vicariously through you and others who aren’t afraid to call a doctor when you’re not feeling your best.