I moved the trigger warning thread

People were getting triggered and it seemed an appropriate time, so I moved the thread to the locked section Seeking Help, which is opt in.

Moderators can take it from there. Ah…now it is locked. Thanks mods!I

Thanks Sassy!

Heaven forbid a beer commercial comes on, or even worse we walk by a bar during Happy Hour. Sorry for the sarcasm🙃.

Have a great Monday!


I’d be pretty pissed if there was a beer commercial here lol. My home group is sandwiched between two bars lol

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So we only support recover if it fits in a neat box. Okay cool. Peace out

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No need to apologize. Glad you are solid, but not everyone is. It was still available for discussion, but just not in your face…at least until it got closed.

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Huh? I was talking about beer advertisements lol. I thought it would be an interesting thing to talk about. Relax, we are all here for the same reason.

Dude not about you, about the other post the one this one is referring to. Your joke was funny. This just isn’t the sort of space I thought it was. I didn’t mean to reply to your post, appologies for the confusion imeant to reply to the thread as a whole

Have you tried the subreddit /stopdrinking? Not solely focused on sobriety.

I love the fact that the meetings I go to in flagstaff is right near a Circle K. Ugh just keep driving past. Lol

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Oh my bad, it was replied to me so I thought it was. Sorry. Much love :grin:

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I used to steal candy bars from circle K when I was on the street. Ugh. I do not miss those days.

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We support recovery and staying sober. That topic did not promote either of these subjects and it’s not applicable to anyone on here. To the contrary, it’s harmful to recovery and sobriety.


I think I got my appetite back :blush::smile::heart::heart::heart:

@Robin The was topic is really no different than many others on here such as:

and many more. I do notice that more of these posts get closed than before but they are still all over the forum. I suggest that another separate area for them would help people avoid them if they are triggered.

It’s quite an assumption on your part that all the heavy drinking alcoholics that this program is targeting are not on the internet.

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My point exactly, regarless other fish in the sea. I can go elsewhere it’s really not a big deal.

It very much did support recovery and an option for a path to sobriety for the most vulnerable of us, and to assume those users may not be here is very close minded and priveledged.

It is what it is, moving on…

It had no business on this forum because it aided in justifying a small amount of drink to an audience where the majority are trying to get completely sober.

We talk about how the alcoholic and addict mind plays tricks on you, trying to justify a drink. That thread added to it (and from an external source).

Sure, it’s great treatment for the worst of the worst, and that information should be available on the net (and treatment centers)… but no, it doesn’t belong here.

edit: calling it privileged to not want to see that is laughable.

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Thank you SassyRocks for looking out for everyone on the forum. This thread however, is only starting arguments. The Thread mentioned is now closed.