I need to stop today

I need to quit drinking today. I was supposed to quit this weekend and didn’t. Today getting up for work I couldn’t have been more miserable. I need to bypass buying beer on the way home tonight or I never will. If anyone one else is on the edge and needs to quit today, do it with me. I need to be held accountable


Why do you need to quit? What problems is drinking making worse? How could your life be better sober? Writing it down can be a really helpful way of motivating yourself when the temptation hits.

What have you tried before? What can you do differently this time?

Read, read and read this forum some more! Use the search bar :mag: and reach out whenever you need to. We are all at different stages of our journey but there is so much we can learn from each other!

If you haven’t found the FAQs thread yet, it’s worth a look :blush:


Hello Jimmy…
Ditto what @siand suggested.
Also, it seems you need to make a solid plan for after work. Something non-negotiable. Avoid the beer store/stores. Take a different route home. Leave your cash/debit card at home.
Tell yourself “No”. Repeatedly if you have to.
You want this, so do whatever it takes to make it happen.
Glad you are here!


Good you are here Jimmy. Be accountable to us all. Post. Tell us how you feel and what’s happening. You’ll get invaluable feedback while being accountable too. Works very good for me. Success!


Thanks for your comments guys they’ve been really helpful. I’ve just been on a run at 10pm this evening and it’s now 11:07 and my local shop has closed. That means I can’t get any alcohol and I’ve gone the night without having a drink. Seems like a huge victory. In the past, if I’ve been able to get passed the first night I’ve been able to keep it going for long periods. This is the first day since March where I haven’t had a drink. I feel fine too. Isn’t that crazy?




Because it is. Now celebrate this sober day, with another sober day. Say “no” to the drink that matters…the first drink.


Amazing job Jimmy! I’m glad you’re here. I’ll echo what the others have said … Read, post and reach out. There’s wonderful people here with a wealth of knowledge. We are all in this together and we all have your back! Again, welcome! This is a great place to be and a helpful tool you can use. Congrats on your first day of forever. Keep it up!


Jimmy, there is nothing new about the same old thing. Changing patterns is exciting, think differently, do differnt things, the things you always wanted to accomplish it is not to hard to do, but it is. First get your self sober for a week, get your mind in the right place, to change things. It always takes discipline, determination not to mention time. I have relapsed a few times. Still keep trying. Be safe and wise as it is not easy for us.