It's meh birthday

Title says all :birthday: :balloon: :tada:


Happy birthday :birthday::confetti_ball::tada:
Hope you have a wonderful day celebrating you today

Happy Birthday!!! :tada:

Happy Birthday :grin::birthday:


Happy Birthday! I hope you have the best day :black_heart:

Now that i can finally reply. Thank you!

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Now that replies are restored thank you

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Realizing that i keep accidentally replying to the same people over age over again I’m just gonna make a universal thank you. Also sorry for that


It’s your birthday. You get to reply however the fuck you want!

Happy sober birthday!!

:rofl: lol thanks. Well yeah until i run it off replys again. Seems this platform only let’s you do like 10-15 replies a day which is rather limiting

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That’s just TS quality control. To make sure you make every one of those replies a sobriety gold nugget. :large_orange_diamond: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I guess but it gets really boring not being able to reply

ah i see you joined just a day ago - TS has a idk what its called basically a trust depending level system where the more and the longer you interact, the more rights you have. this is to make sure ppl don’t spam the site w meaningless shit like on insta or whatever.
I dont think my replies are limited in this way cos I’ve been an active member for a long time and have spewed my share of bs on here. do the same, reap the benefits of all the wisdom and knowledge on here, and soon you’ll also have unlimited replies like the oldies.

here are some of my fav threads:
Resources for our recovery
Your #1 tip for sobriety (over 2 years sober)
For the Relapser Vol. 2 (this is a great series)
Alcoholic fisherman in recovery
A lifelong drinker hits 1200 days sober

enjoy! and eat cake today!

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Yeah i saw that system. I was on here the entire day yesterday. Ran out of likes too lol. From what i read even regulars or level 3/the highest level on the rank system has limited replies but idk

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Happy Birthday!

Happiest of birthdays to you!!:partying_face::heart:

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Happy happy birthday :balloon::birthday::balloon: :rainbow:

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