Mind Blowing Random Thoughts

The volume of all the water in the ocean is approx. 328.7 million cubic miles.


Whoever figures this crap out? My pre-med physics class was hard enough. Calculations that astronomical are really mind-blowing :exploding_head:.


Fact: 48% of all statistics are made up on the spot


Funny thing is I just learned that tomatos are not good for you because of the high letcin count. (It disturbs the digestion process.)
I’m not sure I believe it, but there you go!

Lol there is always something!


In 1760 Russia became the first European country to promote a black man (Abram Petrovich Hannibal, adopted godson of Peter the Great) to General.
Maybe not a mind blowing fact, but I think it’s interesting.
Hannibal was also the great grandfather of Alexander Pushkin.


Its part of the nightshade family. Nightshades have alkaloids in them that can cause a host of inflammatory issues including the digestive upset, headaches and even hallucinations. Nightshades also often have minute traces of nicotine in them.

I’d say that the negative effects are negated by the benefits you receive from these foods though. Tomatoes and peppers are healthy for you. Even potatoes are sustaining and provide lots of starchy nutrition.


Ppl who use the metric system obviously. I had to convert it from cubic kilometers.


Got one for ya… @Yoda-Stevie you’ll like this one. A young aspiring jazz drummer from Boston by the name of Roscoe Blunt Jr was drafted into the army during world war II. He was out on a mine detection detail and being a bit rebellious/adventurous decided to wander off from his unit in search of souvenirs to take home when he stumbled on a group of 100 elite Nazi SS soldiers holding 18 American soldiers prisoner. He hid trying to decide what to do until he heard them discussing executing the prisoners. Once he heard their officer give the order he jumped out armed with nothing but his metal detector and sidearm, pointed the metal detector at the officer and told him he would kill them all if they didnt surrender. Since medal detectors were a fairly new invention at the time and the Germans had never seen one before they lowered their weapons in fear of being “vaporized by the Americans new high tech weapon” When the officer started to say something he overrode him and said “and if findin out what this thing’ll do to ya isnt enough motivation maybe the artillery over that hill is” and pointed back behind him. Within seconds, and purely by coincidence 2 howitzer shells fell pretty close to them. The nazis surrendered their weapons (including 2 mg-42 machine guns) to the 18 American soldiers and thus, a 140 lb 19 year old smartassed private came strolling back to his CO marching 100 of Hitlers most elite soldiers held prisoner with a big ol shit eating grin on his face while the guys he saved whistled a tune and poked the slower moving prisoners in the butts with their own rifles! :laughing:


No way! That’s too hilarious. It cant be true!

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Totally tried this !! :smile:


That’s cool I love random thoughts lol good morning x

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It absolutely is lol, he was in the 84th infantry. read about him in a book and saw him on a history channel documentary. The documentary actually talked about something else crazy that happened to him lol, he was court marshalled for “fraternizing with the enemy” …his co sent him out to get his uniforms washed, while waiting on a woman to wash them he started macking on her 17 yo daughter lol An officer from another unit saw it and reported him…president Clinton pardoned him in 2001


I did too when I first read it, in public :joy:

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I’m just picturing all the ppl around the world going “let’s have a go” :laughing:

Also if no1 sees you eat the biscuit out of the jar, then technically you didn’t eat it :sunglasses:


If you fold two slices of pizza into 1, your body recognises only half the calories. Someone was trying to convince me that this is a fact :joy:


Sounds like my sort of person!

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If you eat antipasto before you east pasta, the the calories don’t count.


hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words.


100% agree. Clearly they cancel each other out! That’s why you need tiramisu for dessert - otherwise you’d have no calories!