Moderation? 🤷‍♀️

For me, hell no. I cannot even begin to understand normal drinkers. Boggles my mind.

I really dont think normal drinkers even think about moderation…just people like us


Thats very true…

I’ll follow that with this. I don’t understand the point of moderation. If I’m not drinking to the point of blacking out an ruining my life then why bother?


At the end of the there are people who have a drinking problem and those who don’t. IMO moderation is only possible for the latter.
I do have a problem and I tried moderation for years before admitting it … it was exhausting, time consuming and just not effective. Effective in the sense that I was trying to achieve to be able to drink “like a normal person”, which I can’t.
I couldn’t focus on the people around me, I kept debating with myself, developed new strategies that would eventually fail every other week … it was hell. Finally accepting that I just can’t drink like “normal people” is what set me free from that hell.
If you ever sat among a group of people and couldn’t follow the conversation because you were too busy making sure to drink your glass as slow as everbody else, so you wouldn’t stand out by ordering twice as many drinks as them … I promise you, not drinking is the less stressfull option :upside_down_face:
I second the others and suggest you look for the other threads, where this topic has been discussed at lenght before. All the best to you!


The normies can drink moderately like once or twice a year, leave half glasses or bottles full, and probably dont think twice about drinking to get oblivious to the world. Couldnt understand how they do that. Most of us here are not that type.


A few threads regarding moderation…plenty of first hand experiences, opinions, suggestions here for you…


Amen. What’s the point if I’m not going to drink until I get drunk and inevitably end up pissing on the kitchen table, sleeping on the stairs, getting in a fight with anything.

Sure moderation is possible, I know of people who can drink moderately, I know of people who have 3+ dui’s and still drink.

I’m fine without drinking, I like life, no need to fuck it up for myself.


Zero chance for us… people who can drink moderately don’t have to think about doing it. I’m with @Englishd on both posts here pretty much word for word.

You may find a thread here or there about people claiming they did it but they all failed in the long run, otherwise they wouldn’t be here posting about alcohol!


Everytime I tried moderation after a period of abstinence I said the same thing I have control of it now,

And I would In the beginning, after a few days it went back to full on uncontrollable use, abuse and a never ending cycle.

To be honest I know moderation drinkers who can’t fathom going somewhere with everyone drinking and they aren’t, and yet I can feels good to be on top for once


As I always say, I want moderation because it gives me permission to get drunk, and that is all I want because I’m an alcoholic and that’s what alcoholics do.


In a word.


It’s exactly as @Thirdmonkey said …
I really dont think normal drinkers even think about moderation…just people like us


For me, moderation was an illusion I used to believe in as I didn’t want to face my true alcoholic reality.


Definitely but not if your an alcoholic.

As I heard it put the other night, if it takes effort or thought to control my drinking, I probably don’t have any control at all.


I’ll add, I was in denial of this for a long time. What I never realized till I was sober is how much less thought or doubt or stress there is once I decide to just not drink.

Moderating is not possible for me. But even if it were, the clear simplicity of just not drinking gives me one less major thing to keep track of.

Did I drink? No.
Ok, moving on. :joy:


I tried to “moderate” for many years and failed every time.
I cannot do it. Its all or nothing for me and im glad i finally chose to choose nothing.
Im the type that if there is alcohol in the house i will drink it all and then probably go and get some more too.
I dont think your going to find the answer your looking for here.


Yes there is such a thing as moderation for some people. Just not for me. I’ve proven it time and time again. I am an alcoholic I accept that and life in recovery is my daily reprieve

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Simple to me im a Alcoholic and i cant drink , there are social drinkers who can drink .and a graveyard full of Alkys who still thought they could be social drinkers.


Hope this answered your question on “Moderation”

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Most moderators have checked in on this thread by now. None of us can moderate our use though. That’s why we’re here.