Need support again

Binge drinking has been a part of my life since the age of 14, I used to enjoy going out drinking, drinking on nights out now i know this drug is destroying my life !! I suffer severe depression and anxiety made worse by a stillbirth i experienced I thought I was strong im a mess ! Ive had counselling but stoped it all im out to hurt others because im hurting ! Im going to go and get help but im turning to you for support ! Last night i drank a full bottle of wine & lots of vodka i ended up screaming and shouting at my partner in front of my child swearing trying to go out for more drinks im absolutely mortified im on the road to losing my family its so hard to stop binge drinking i need your support i hate what im turning into !!!


Hey I was also a binge drinker. Started at 14, was fun for a while… Until it wasn’t. Sounds like you’ve had a lot to deal with. Why did you stop counselling - is it something you could look at picking up again?

We have all been there, doing things we really wish we hadn’t because of our DOC (drug of choice) and feeling terrible about it. The good news is that you don’t have to feel like this ever again.

Learning how to deal with life without turning to drink takes time and patience. It isn’t always easy, but it’s definitely worth it. Sounds like your partner should be happy if you stop drinking, even if it is an adjustment at first. Honest, open and kind communication are key!

Having a support network is so important. This app is a brilliant place to start. There are lots of recovery groups out there (e.g. AA, SMART). Read, read and read this forum. Use the search bar :mag: to find specific information. The FAQs thread has lots of links to threads which might be helpful to get you started.

Keep checking in and reach out whenever you need to!


Thank you its good to talk to people in the same place.


I only found this app today, its amazing to know you’re not alone, and how many other people are in a similar situation, keeping strong for now, hope you are all too :muscle:


Thank you it helps knowing ur not alone


I’m so sorry. I can only imagine how hard a bounce that is.

That it is. Have you looked into any other support groups? There are likely rooms of folks right in your backyard who understand and come out the other side.

Of course the light is always on here too, and for that I am grateful. :blush:


Yes im currently looking thank you !