I’m looking for some advice from those who have either found success with AA, or some other program.
I’m just over 2 months sober after 25 years of disordered drinking. I’ve been to about 5 AA meetings and 4 different groups. My general experience with AA so far has been VERY positive, in the sense that all the people there are so friendly and supportive and seem to care about each other (and me). It’s been a sense of connection and understanding that I think I really needed to get me this far. There are lots of things about AA that I like, but I haven’t really “worked the steps” and to be honest, I’m having a really hard time with the whole spiritual aspect of AA. I was raised completely atheist (though I respect everyone’s right to believe and worship what feels right to them). I keep hearing people in AA say that when they relapsed it was because they weren’t taking the spiritual side seriously and weren’t in touch with their higher power. And that you can’t just take what you like from AA and leave the rest, or you will likely fail. I’m worried that this might become a self-fulfilling prophecy, like if I’m being told over and over that I will fail, one day I’ll just think what’s the point and let it happen. I know ultimately that is up to me, I’m just not sure how helpful it is to hear that message over and over. I also hear others who were non religious say that you can make your higher power whatever you want, like a tree. But I just don’t get it. Like, what is that supposed to do for me? And if I just go through the motions and say it’s a tree, I’m still not having my true “spiritual awakening”’so I am still likely to fail (according to what I’m being told). I’m not sure how to figure out this higher power thing, and I’m also not sure I want to. I want to stay sober, but i feel like I should be able to be successful without changing my core values. I know there are other programs out there, but they are nowhere near as accessible as AA which is free and everywhere.
Curious if there’s anyone who also struggled with this part of AA, and did you figure it out? Or did you find a different program? TIA.