Truth and tough love

I need to orderthat drop the rock book - it keeps coming up


I have books I absolutely love, but that aren’t recovery related. Do they count? I am actually a fan of the classics. Wuthering Heights, Peyton Place, Frankenstein, Fahrenheit 451, Brave New World are some good reads. Plus any cheesy spy novel with Mitch Rapp (I’ve read like 10-15 of these). Plus a lot of random finds from the library.


This is a thing that you posted.


Shocking eh? It was a required reading assignment for AP English in highschool. I actually enjoyed it. Wasn’t a fan of Pride and Prejudice though.

Side note: I left Middlesex off my list. Another great book

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Well, tit for tat… I really enjoyed Pride and Prejudice. Something about the banter and development of the characters really got me.

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Which ones? Most of them I have read before and just going through again. I like biographies of people who got clean too. Those are awesome usually.

I’ve read them all before, but they are always good to go back and read again and again. I’ve also read a good chunk of the NA literature. Rehab was a great place to getting reading done. If I can keep my eyes open tonight I think ill crack open Brand’s book and see what it’s all about.


Frankenstein is a nice quick read. Brave New World is my favorite though.

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I like the Mitch Rapp series lol, and of course the Jack Reacher stuff. The night angel series is good, as is the Stieg Larsson the girl who series.

I have a hard time reading classics cause it’s just so old timey and not contemporary or modern. Maybe I’m just an idiot :rofl::joy::rofl:

Edit- add in the Alex Cross books as well to above. And anything Michael Crichton


Okay…you list Fahrenheit 451 and Brave New World…clearly you like dystopian. Have you read The Chrysalids by John Wyndham? (US title is "Re-Birth) It is probably the BEST dystopian I ever read. 1984 was probably the worst.


Agreed, Orwell is a damn good writer but 1984 was a more powerful sedative than any drug I’ve ever taken lol. I’ve tried to pick it up a couple dozen times over the last 20 years and it always puts me to sleep!
@Englishd that Russell Brand book is actually pretty good if u find the time, that “fucked” version of the 12 steps drew me in from the start and its helped me recognize and curb some of the lesser addictions that have tried to manifest since I stopped the drugs and booze.
Dopesick by Beth Macy is hands down the best drug/recovery related book I’ve read so far though


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Lists are all fine and dandy I suppose. But I know any list I have will include working on the underlying causes (ego, self-centered was) of why I got high and drunk in the first place right at the very top.


I relate to this a lot. Recently I feel like I’m repressing old emotions, and that ends up with me losing control of myself. I look back and I remember these emotions and feelings from when I was really young, as in six or seven years old. I don’t know if I can change those things about myself, and if it’s just part of who I am.

I have no problem with lists. Just make sure to add recovery to it and not just distractions


My wife gives me shit all the time because I make lists for everything.


You should see my office. I keep multiple lists for multiple things. But it also keeps me organized

Sounds perfect to me!! I do the same at work too.

Yeah, I’ve seen your list.

It’s just crazy enough to work.

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I get the opposite Jase, I get moaned at because I don’t! :joy: