Been trying for ages to cut down my drinking and keep off the drugs. Getting sick of trying really
Welcome! I know how you feel, I tried everything I could think of to try to cut down my drinking, but nothing worked. When it comes to drinking, it’s either all or nothing, moderation just never worked out. So, I quit drinking all together and that solved that problem! Maybe that’s something you can try, just quit and see how it feels.
Hey Paul
Welcome to the community.
Are you just trying with sheer willpower or are you doing anything else to help you not pick up?
We are not able to battle addiction by ourselves. We need support and need to plan out our course of attack.
You could do the following if you haven’t already tried… or maybe try again and with being active here you may get better results
- meetings (in person and / or on line)
- look for a sponsor at one of the in person meetings
- possibly seek out therapy
- change up your routines (i know every evening i would really need that bottle next to me so i started walking in the evenings). I also took different routes home so I would not pass the liquor store.
- stop socializing where triggers are present (at least till you feel strong enough)
- stay super active here on this site – this community has been everything for my recover.
Remember - in addiction we can not moderate our consumption. It is all or nothing and now we have to work on re-wiring our brain. Life is awesome without alcohol and drugs. You can have a fantastic time just being you.
a few threads i find super helpful
Checking in daily to maintain focus #58
Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5
Hope to see you around
Welcome Paul.
Ya, I tried to cut down for 40 years. It kept getting worse though didn’t it? That’s why they call it a progressive disease. And it’s a family disease. Our disease affects the whole family.
I finally found the support I needed here. And through my knowledge of addiction my kids heaped on me years ago. I got 2 recovering grown up children. I’m sober and enjoying life on life’s terms.
Have a good read around. Join in when your comfortable.
Here are two good threads to start:
Hi @paulrob41
Have you tried a medical detox? After abusing alcohol for 20 years and trying numerous times to cut down, and being told it wasn’t safe to just stop drinking so much suddenly, i got a referral from my GP to a public medical detox unit and it has been the real circuit-breaker that I needed. There was a waiting list of about 6-7 weeks, but with medical assistance in an inpatient unit, the detox has been a real success for me. I know it’s not for everyone, but I had an overall positive experience, and with medication to help with a safe withdrawal, it wasn’t hard at all. It’s still early days for me, but I am 5.5 weeks sober with no desire to drink at all:) Whatever you decide, I hope you are able to get the results you are looking for xo
Welcome Paul! Join the club
It sounds like you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired. That’s a good place to start from. There’s lots to learn here on Talking Sober and lots of wise people to learn from. Have a read around and make yourself at home. You belong here, and you can learn a lot (and we can too). One day at a time friend
Welcome @paulrob41. You have come to the right place here. So much support and advice. I never thought I could stop drinking, I thought I was destined to piss my life completely away! I decided I would have a break from it so downloaded a timer (this app as it happens) I discovered this forum by accident really. I’ve always stayed away from internet forums as I didn’t fancy getting hit on by some random fella lol. As it turns out it’s the best thing I ever found! I’m now 4+ years sober!! Someone on here said something that just made my brain click. He said, NOTHING CHANGES IF NOTHING CHANGES! in it went! If I wanted to stop feeling so stuck and enslaved I had to stop trying to control something of which I had no control over. I don’t do AA I come here daily, this place is where I lean. Surrounded by so many lovely people who are going through exactly what I’m going through. You have to want it more than anything and make it happen! It doesn’t have to stay the way you feel right now. I promise, it is possible to break free!! I’m glad you are here
Im just trying to do it with will power. Which i have none. I love a few drinks after work but it always leads to drugs. Getting a bit bad on the crack so starting to really worry
Welcome to the community
For myself I had to change my environment around me,
People, places and things. The stuff I could anyway.
Staying away from people and places that I knew I couldn’t stop in those situations.
And taking back control little by little of my life I had let fall apart around me.
I had to take it one day at a time.
Hope to see you around
Do or do not. There is no try. Yoda
Hello Paul, and welcome. Are you ready to accept help? What if that help is founded on you not drinking at all and being abstinent from drugs?
Your own willpower is failing to control your drinking and you are worried about your drug use. I’ll ask you what they asked me when i came into AA to get sober “Are you done yet?”. Are you ready to let go your self powered control, accept help and do what is suggested to you even when you don’t want to do it?
Check out the many ways to get and stay sober listed on this discussion. Blessings on your house as you begin your journey.
Unfortunately as you have also experienced - willpower alone does not work. We do need support and that extra bit to get us out of the grips of addiction.
Some great advice already given. Take a read around the links provided. I believe if you do engage in programs and create a supportive surrounding- then you will be able to win this battle.
How’s it going Paul?