2021 roll call - introduce yourself!


Welcome Mark. Congrats on your first 5 days. That’s awesome. Lots of great people here for support. Addiction is to way too big to handle alone. We are stronger in numbers. Have a good read around and join in when your willing.
One day at a time.
That’s the only way I can do it.
Just for today.

Here are two good threads to start:


I recently came off suboxone, its basically the same thing as subutex. Buprenorphine with naloxone. And yes, you definitly do withdrawal from it, personally i found it alot less intense of a withdrawal than fentanyl, but it definitly wasnt as bad as the horror stories you see online, i would rather withdrawal off that then fentanyl/heroin any day. The other difference is even though the withdrawals wont be as intense they will be longer lasting. My mood was up and down for a long time. Didnt sleep more then a couple hours a night for about 2 weeks then the sleep slowly started getting better. All in all it took about a month or so to get back to close to normal. Also personally that first month i would have days where my energy was normal then the next day it was completely gone. I hope this helps, if you need anything feel free to message me.


Hi all, I’m a Rachel from Canada, currently 8 days sober! I have been drinking since I was in high school and have struggled with it these past years. I was sober at the end of summer for 2 and a 1/2 months then I caved and drank up untill 8 days ago. Trying to stay sober, reduce the risk to drink and staying positive. Its normally only a weekend thing for me so trying to fill my weekend with stuff to do. Hoping for the best! I read a bunch of your guys’s posts, keep on going, stay strong and add healthy activities into your life!


Welcome Rachel, this is a great community hope you stick around!


Hi my name is KT. DOC is alcohol and processed foods. I’ve been nicotine free since December 2019, when I got extremely ill (possibly one of the first cases of corona virus in my area, but wasn’t diagnosed properly). I got extremely ill after that, and cut down my drinking by necessity for a long time.

I’ve been vegan for two months, and I’m newly sober 100%, at seven days now, with the intention of remaining so. Although I gave up heavy drinking long ago, even a couple drinks makes me very ill. I’m a mom of twins, and a wife to a wonderful and supportive husband.

My hope in being completely sober is to become a better mom and spouse. I’d like to be a better home maker. It’s difficult because I have chronic health issues, and have been dealing with them since my youth. But I’m trying to overcome it, and be strong through it. My illness in 2019 definitely made my autoimmune diseases go into overdrive for a long time, which has been tough to rebound from. But I know drinking doesn’t help, so I’m not doing that anymore.


Welcome KT.
Great big congratulations on your 7 days.
That’s great!!

Have a good read around here. This place has been a great place for me to get support in my sobriety. Addiction is too tough to go it alone. We are stronger in numbers. And we are all worth it.
Gratitude for what we have when we are sober is my best tool in my tool box.
Hers a couple of great threads I like.
Hope to see you around.
You’re worth it.


Checking in just started this app. Very nice


Welcome @Scorpionking1118
Nice place to get support. Hope to see you around.


@Dazercat. If this place is real its great. For those times when im low want a drink or smoke…and don’t want to bother my physiacrst or family. I assume since it’s online it’s us time zone specific. Meaning if im on Pacific time if its 4 in the morning and cant sleep and want a drink i can reach out?


Ya this place is real. You can always reach out. There’s peeps from all over the world on here. Usually someone is up. You may not always get a response immediately but there’s always someone around. Sometimes you can get a bunch of responses if your struggling. I’m on mountain time. I get a kick how the Europeans are getting there day going and checkins in the morning when I’m signing out for night. A few Aussies. I never know what time is over there.

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Thats funny. Great to know its a big world of us out there, sometimes I feel other people dont really understand but then I think of what drives them and attempt to refoucus on other driving forces. Like my religion, kids, work. Thanks for the info.


You talking about the Suboxone? Or the Fentanyl?
Suboxone i was at 16mg and tapered myself down to 2mg a day before jumping off. Fentanyl i was doing about 1.5 grams a day.

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Oh ya for sure, they didnt even want me to come off the suboxone at least not yet anyway. Decided to taper and quit on my own and havent been back yet.

Ya and the taste was terrible having to let it dissolve under your tongue…shit tasted like a mix of orange sherbert and battery acid.

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Today is day 1 for me again…definitely getting tired of my relapses


Welcome back! If nothing changes, nothing changes. Is your approach to sobriety different this time? We are all here to help! You deserve a sober life!!

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Hey, Im Danielle, 37 and have issues with alcohol. Today is my day 1 and I WILL do this. I’m looking forwaed ro discovering myself again and seeing the real me. As of last night I was a 2 bottles of wine per night girl, more if I started drinking early. Looking forward to finding support here and ways to help manage sobrity - it seems great!

Good luck to you all xx


Welcome everyone! Love seeing new peeps and hearing your stories. This is a great place for recovery. Lots of resources and people just like you! :yellow_heart:


I’m Eric, completely new to this forum. I’m an alcoholic and addict. Not my first time fighting this battle of addiction. Today I have 90 days clean and sober. Trying to build a strong foundation and I am here to support others fighting the same fight.


Hello, my name is Dominique, and I’m a new member of Sober Time. I am always hesitant to share my DOC, because it’s something that is legal, and people often downplay its addicting effect. However I have used marijuana as a coping mechanism for childhood trauma and abuse for 14 years. I’ve tried quitting numerous of times, however, it only takes one hit to go back down the rabbit hole.
I finally admitted to myself, I had an addiction. I started my Sobriety yesterday, February 14th, and I am about to reach 2 days in the next 5 hours.
More than anything, I just want to be clear-headed; been walking around in haze for too long.