2021 roll call - introduce yourself!

Hi, I’m Mike, DOC Alcohol. I’ve not drank since 2/13. 55 days. I’m happy to be sober. I’m from Southern Georgia. I’ve drank since I was a kid. I had one PBJ for DWI back in ‘94, other than that I’ve been able to stay out of legal trouble. In the last couple years though, I found, once I start to drink, I don’t want to stop until I can’t drink anymore. “Stop” had escaped my vernacular, especially where drinking was concerned. And remembering last night was next to impossible. It’s good to meet y’all.


Hiya. Good for you

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Hi I’m Ria and I’m an alcoholic. I am losing my family and need help to sober as my partner will not have me back until I help myself. I have 2 children I’m missing dearly. My youngest is 3years of age and missing her mummy… I hide drinks and will drink sometimes during the day. I have been lying to my partner. He had to have police and ambulance involved on numerous occasions, I feel so ashamed :sweat: Please help me


Welcome Ria
Here are two good threads to start:

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Thank you so much. Will look into it

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Find an AA meeting or something. It sounds like you really need some help. It sounds like you got a lot to be grateful for if you can be sober. I know I do. I do a gratitude list right here every morning. It starts my day off on the right foot.

Keep reading around here. Lots of people trying their hardest just to not pick up a drink today. One day at a time.

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Hi I’m Melanie from Canada been sober for a week going well so far my alcohol was my best friend …Not I’ll make this time around


ODAAT Melanie! Welcome!

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Thank you verry much

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Hi I’m Emma, doc herion, pills, booze, men anything to fill the void, came here to ts awhile bk got 6 months and have been relapsing since I thought it would be OK just once, what bshit story I was telling myself, got a few weeks bk so involving myself again with ts BC it worked well the first go Rd.i also have a homegroup as for me support on a screen only gets me so far (personel view)


Welcome back Emma! :heart:

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Welcome back Emma.
We missed you.
Glad you’re here.

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I’m rooting for you Emma. You’ve got this.

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Hi guys ,
My name is Mike. I have been sober for 10 days.
I am sober for my family. I drank in secret for years and I don’t want to hide anymore.
I have two little boys and a beautiful wife that depends on me and I want them to be able to. I have always been there for them, but not if my health declines and that scares the shit out of me.
Here is to staying sober and healthy!


Hi everyone, I’m Dave. I’ve been a drinker for about 20 years, but the last 7 or 8 have been heavier. Bottle of wine each weeknight, then three to four over the weekend. I never really liked being too drunk, but loved the buzz, just taking the edges off. It seemed so normal for so long. I started getting some weird pains in my right side, but liver panels were all normal. Decided to try quitting anyway and started eating better. That was June of 2020. That lasted a bit and then started back into my old routine. Late November of 2020 I quit again, this time for 55 days, then jacked that all up in January when I had a glass of wine on vacation. Six days ago I decided again that enough was enough. Been spending all of my free time reading books on alcohol addiction and learning how not to keep giving in to the social conditioning that is so pervasive in our world. I have no higher power and I don’t believe alcoholism is a disease, but to each their own and no judgements here. What works for one might not work for another. But I have what I feel is a good thing going right now and zero desire to drink, except for fleeting cravings that come and go in a matter of seconds. I don’t keep any booze in the house, and have plenty of sparkling water, decaf coffee, and hot tea on hand. I wish everyone the best of luck! Stay strong!


Welcome MIke. Lots of great people here to help support us on our sober journey. Just saw you on your 10 day topic you started.
Here are 2 good threads I like to visit.

Just to check in with others and be accountable. And my favorite thread :point_down:

Because we got so much to be grateful for when we are sober. And we are so worth it. And I bet those boys and wonderful wife are too.
I hope to see you around.

Welcome to you too @Dv713
No higher power? Not my style. But like you said. Whatever works for you is the most important thing. There are a lot of great people around here with and without a higher power. Welcome to our forum.
I hope to see you around.


Hi I’m Rikelle. I’ve been drinking for 30 years. I’ve been involved in the entertainment industry and so was around alot of party drugs and alcohol from a young age. I thought I had things under control though. Ha, I was greatly mistaken. Then a year and a half ago my best friend committed suicide. This guy was the closest person in my life. I’d known him since high school we were in separable. I found out he was a paedophile. He was being investigated by police. My children had been his victim. My group of friends refused to believe it and turned there anger and sadness on me blaming me for cutting him off and inevitable causing his death.I was gutted, I spiralled out of control. And here I am. Grateful for every one of you. :heart::sunflower:


Welcome Rik! :innocent:

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Thank you! :grinning:

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