There have been a few posts recently about partners who drink. I am always interested in hearing other people’s experiences with a drinking spouse. It certainly was a learning experience for me in my early sobriety.
Thought I would link in a few previous threads on this topic. Feel free to add others.
Awesome stuff to group these together under one thread, since it is indeed a common topic of duscussion. Thanks for taking the time and effort to do it
Any way to pin this to the top of the forum? The title is great and says exactly what this is. This is an issue among many alcoholics/addicts (myself included), and having new users see this right at the start could help them.
I no longer have regular privileges (which includes editing and such) otherwise I would add it to the FAQs, which is pinned. Feel free, they could use some updates.
That month is really great!! Putting yourself first in sobriety is key. Learning to live with a spouse who drinks is indeed a process. Be gentle with yourself and your partner.