Is there a thread for parents on here?

I’m just wondering who else relates :slight_smile:
Im a stay at home/homeschooling mother of 4.
Being a parent can be hard even without the extra stress of trying to manage our inner demons. I do however feel like a superhuman, and these little babies are my reason for wanting to be the best person I can be.
Is there a thread on here where parents share struggles, or even just funny things our children do/say?
Or is this the start of one?


I’ve not seen one and it sounds like a great idea, my kids have left home now but I know it would have been handy to laugh and cry together when my step daughter was a teenager. it wasn’t until I spoke to other people at work that I found out she wasn’t actually the spawn of the devil and after hearing other people’s experiences considered myself quite fortunate.


What a Great idea !!!

@Dancingwheel. YOU just started it !! Thank you !!’ :pray:

@Dolse71. I hear you. Mine is 16. It’s tough.


I have no teenagers yet… all of my kids are 7 and under so it’s truly chaos around here. My 2 year old gave herself a gnarly haircut yesterday… I tried my best to fix it but, only time will fix that one. :woman_facepalming:


How many do you have ? @Dancingwheel

I can’t imagine little ones during this covid time. My hats off to you !

4! How about you?

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One. She’s 16. And it’s been just her and I from the beginning.

Didn’t help that I started drinking a few years ago! So glad I’m sober now and have logged in time … and have a few years before she goes off to college. The guilt is huge !

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Yep ! That about sums it up.

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All parents count!
Step, adoptive, stay at home, working, single, married…
Were all equal.


100% Agreed !!!

No shit! Hahaha!
It all happened so fast.


On a serious note I love my step daughter dearly but while I was drinking and drugging and being selfish I ruined our relationship bc if you get between me, myself and I then your nothing but an inconvenience. Now I’m sober I’m building better relationships with my own kids and my step daughter, it’s not an over night success but we are definitely all feeling a lot more loved than we used to. Addiction will keep you to itself.


I started one years ago - Stay at Home Parents in Recovery - Life in Recovery - Talking Sober - Addiction Recovery Forum & Support Group

I am no longer a stay at home Dad, the dream is over, :frowning:

you certainly could start a “Parent in Recovery” themed one, not necessarily one specific as mine was. :slight_smile:

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I hear you. It does take time. It’s hard. It would have been hard even without addictions but addictions make it even harder I have found as now they have even more of an excuse to be unkind (putting it mildly).


Ugh, I can imagine.
Mom guilt is really hard regardless.
I just want to tame this beast before my kids are older.
I’ve got about 51/2 years of sober time (not consecutively) all together since I started having kids, which I’m proud of! There have been random moments here and there though… all in good time… all in good time…

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That is Totally Awesome @Dancingwheel !!!

I did it backwards. I didn’t start drinking until she hit teenage years. Not a smart plan ! They remember more.

I started at 15… I’m 31 now.
I fear my kids starting that at 15… that’s so young…

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My guess is you’ll be able to steer them when that time comes.

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Oh please tell me you got pictures?