Sharing support for Jan 1 reset?

So I know there are challenges with the whole New Years Resolution thing, but I’m guessing I’m not the only one planning to restart sobriety or take it to a new level for January? Personally I’m realizing I have a lot of cross addiction happening with partaking in substances that are not my drug of choice but perpetuate the whole addiction mentality and steal a lot of my time, energy, and focus. I want to go 100% sober from alcohol, kratom, opiates and cannabis in January and I feel like it should probably be a way of life.

Curious if there are others here planning for something similar in the new year and if we want to support each other :black_heart:


January 1st is for the birds when you could do it today.

There’s gonna be a massive influx of people trying to make it happen on that day, always is.


I support this 100%. Why wait? Today is a great day to be sober.


I totally get the whole why wait question and I agree, but the holidays are not an easy time to quit. I am tapering off kratom now and 1/1 will be my first 100% sober from anything (except caffeine) in many years :heart:


Good luck to you! I just keep focusing on how amazing and accomplished I will feel.


Be careful.
I knew I was STOPPING JAN 2 2020. I got through my last holidays. I was also turning 60. It was time. I don’t recommend doing it his way because it could be dangerous. So please be as careful as you can. This disease kills.
I can’t wait for my 3 year birthday coming up. See you on the gratitude thread on the First.


Why not today to be the day?


Absolutely. Quitting stops the addiction, then some type of plan, program helps with the living cause stopping is easy but staying stopped is hard. I’ll be 1800 days sober on Christmas, and life is good but it ain’t all rainbows and unicorn farts


Is there ever an easy time to quit?

Ever notice that “tomorrow” is always the busiest day of the week?

Were it something mundane like cleaning out the junk drawer, or going through the closet to get rid of clothes you no longer wear, pushing it off won’t mean the end of the world.

But using…every drink, or fix, or toke, or pill can be your last. It can be your last by choice, or your last by circumstance.

It wasn’t until I had some sober time, spending hours and hours here, reading the stories of others, that I realized just how many bullets I had dodged. Too many changes taken. Too many nights that could have gone tragically wrong.

No one is guaranteed tomorrow. All we have is today to work with. Why not quit right now? You want to. Say “never again”, and then never again.


Beware that next year, or in fact any succeeding year you are also going to have holidays to get through.

My quit date is 8th Dec, and I enjoy going INTO the party season with a strong head and strong sobriety. When you get to next year what is going to be different to now?

I recon go for it now. It will prepare you for next year.


“ I want to go 100% sober from alcohol, kratom, opiates and cannabis in January and I feel like it should probably be a way of life.”

I am not recent to sobriety. I also have not read all the comments. I would think on January 1 that there will be a lot of people joining wanting to quit various substances. It would seem like some of you could pal together and begin your sobriety together. You could start a thread then or this thread now might be found and others could come in. On the checking in thread there might be a number of you there checking in.
I like your statement saying that you want to become sober from these things. That you want another way of life. Oops I should’ve had your quote up at the top and I can’t change it on this phone. To me that statement is the most important tool that you will have to become sober. Focus your thoughts on that for the next week. The stronger you have your mind made up that you want to get rid of these addictions the best chance you have of being successful.
Tell yourself that you are done with it and you are not going to do it anymore. A lot of these addicting substances aren’t so much physical as they are mental. Do not feel overwhelmed by a physical addiction that really demands mental ability to overcome it. Will it be easy, you’re talking about alcohol opiates Kratom and lots of stuff. You might talk to a doctor about cold turkey withdrawal from all of these substances. Or his/ her suggestion and guidance for the best way to get off of them.
And get strong in your mind that you are going to be done with them. I wish you success. You can do it. There will be help for you here to do it. Others who will quit on January 1 and the members who are already here.
It should be a way of life. There is a new world out there for you without all of that.

“ I want to go 100% sober from alcohol, kratom, opiates and cannabis in January and I feel like it should probably be a way of life.


This might have been mentioned, but if you are going to wait until January, my prayer for you is that you will be in safe surroundings and that no permanent damage will be done. Also, having that week, it might behoove you to come up with a solid plan for recovery and support. Lots of resources here.

Hope you all are enjoying the craziness of the holidays and staying warm.


I want to thank you all for your comments. Many of you are saying things to me that I 100% would say to someone else and have many times. Yet here I am and still planning on moving towards Jan 1 :blush:

But I do want to be clear that am not on any bender. I am tapering down on Kratom and only taking 1-2 servings a day, I don’t drink much at all and I don’t have access to any opiates. I have thrown most of my weed away, and just smoke a bit each night. So I am safe, and truly the reason I want to quit all of these things is not because I’m ruining my life with them but because I know I will be so much better of a person when I am not giving the time and energy to this constant merry go round of shame and broken promises to myself.

I also have no expectations that this will be easy or that the date will make it so. I will be back here for support I am sure! :heart::heart:


Why wait to start the greatest journey you will ever go on when you can start today?

I promise you will not miss anything good between now and new year by being sober…

I promise you if you drink between now and then there will likely be hangovers and all the other drama that substances and alcohol can bring.

Carpe Diem


I echo these sentiments 100% and I couldn’t have said it better myself.

Sobriety is the best thing I’ve ever done, you might as well start now :slightly_smiling_face:


I want to. I so want to quit. Im so tired of not remembering the night before. I keep thinking i have control over it but once i start drinking there is no stopping. I dont have control over it. It controls me and im tired of that. Im starti g day one again. This is a new year and i want a sober life.


Day 1 is a great place to start!! I will join you in sobriety today. Remember, you never have to feel this way again. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you. I need some support to get through one day at a time. Thank you

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I am here with you! Just because you have relapsed before doesn’t mean you will do it this time. It is totally possible to change. I saw this drew Barrymore video the other day, at some point they start talking about other things but the first several minutes we’re super inspiring to me

Thank you for sharing that video. It was very interesting. I guess you just have to want to change bad enough. I dont want any more mornings like this. I hate not remembering what i did the night before. Its scary. Im going to come on the app every day and maybe a few times a day for support. Thank you for listening and giving me encouragement

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