A New Day For Me

Day 1. I feel like this is a weird time to get sober but I also don’t like how my addiction is progressing. I used to drink 1 bottle of wine and that was enough, now I’m up to 2 bottles and still could drink more if I let myself.
On top of it I was super bitchy to my mom and siblings in a group text last night for no reason.
I’m currently in therapy and originally wanted to reduce my drinking but I plan to talk with my therapist about getting sober and support for that.
I just cannot keep living like this. Any advice is appreciated.


Welcome to the community! Here’s a link to the thread that has the best compilation of info for people just starting out :point_down:


Welcome back Jen! Anytime is a great time to get sober.


Now is a good time to quit… If you use holidays as excuse not to, you’ll just find another excuse after that, and again after that.

This way you go into the holidays with strong intention to win, you’re not entering them at a time when you’ve got time under your belt and your further away from remembering the reasons why you quit.

If you get past all the brain washing and fake news about alcohol being a part of Christmas, and come out the other side clean, then you can go into the rest of the year with strength. It’s great practice for saying no.


I agree 100%.

@jchavez3 …The book This Naked Mind really helped me learn to ignore all the advertisements and pop culture references that make us think alcohol is a necessary part of our lives that helps us be “fun”.

I highly recommend the book!


There is no weird time to get sober, why it would be weird?
Welcome back!
I just read a message from you in june 2017, you went to the zoo with your kids and was happy to be clear headed. How nice it is to be that happy sober mom again! You can do it Jen! :facepunch:

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Thanks! I meant weird because it’s close to Christmas, New Years and I have a trip to Mexico next month, so I guess in my head it would make more sense to wait til those things are done. But I know I’ll always have another excuse.
I really hope I can make some progress this time as I have additional resources now that I didn’t have then.

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As alcoholics, there never is a good time to get sober. We can always find a reason. Reach out if you need help!


Me too, I read This Naked Mind twice, so the message would really stick. And I would read it a third time if necessary! Also did the alcohol experiment.


Being sober is hard but we get through im here for you

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Hi Jen, welcome back to the Group! It seems like you have already made up your mind that something needs to change. As most of the people have already said, there is no perfect moment. You’ll always find some kind of excuse. If you feel that the moment is now, go for it, ignoring that fact that it’s X-mas time. If this is your moment, nothing will stop you! Wishing you the best!

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Maybe try ameeting might help wish you well

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