Checking in daily to maintain focus #60

I tested yesterday and no Covid but it is something. Rest up my friend, sickness stinks.


I hope that you both have a speedy recovery


Iā€™m on the mend. I took the day off to rest rather than having to give up my day off to do so. Thank you for the wishes.


@CATMANCAM thank you! Your numbers are uplifting!


Youā€™re most welcome!


Hope you feel better soon. I will and you to, rest up :blush:


Its a kookaburra. They are super friendly, especially if someone has been feeding it.



:rewind: :stop_button: :arrow_forward: :pause_button:


Reading this thread makes me feel so grounded, I will definitely make it a habit.
Iā€™m surprised that there is still some power left in me to fight against accepting the reality. I feel so tired and defeated, yet I cannot let things go. With my anger, pain and overthinking I just cling to the past. I really need to surrender, but I donā€™t seem to see anything on the other side. This part of grieving seems to be similar to the process of sobriety in some ways and that helps, thatā€™s something Iā€™m familiar with.


Evening check in. I just called my sister to check in since our last conversation involved her drunkenly hanging up on me. I wanted to smooth our road to Thanksgiving. We just got off the phone and not only does she not remember our last conversation but she was drunk again.

Onward! The road of drinking leads to sadness forgetfulness repeat. No thanks.


Good morning folks :partly_sunny:

Got a house inspection later today, for which Iā€™ll be taking off work an hour early.

I had a pretty realistic and interesting dream about being a psychologist last nightā€¦ Iā€™m only into maybe a year of studying the bachelor, have had a few months break and it wasnā€™t really on my mind so itā€™s a bit out of the blueā€¦

First I noticed some kids playing with some toy cars on the floor and replaying some sort of accident that likely traumatized them and they mustā€™ve still been trying to process, and then their father, a middle aged man wearing a beige suit came, shortly joined them, completely dismissing what they were playing about as if it had just been an interesting experience, before sitting on a couch with me just wanting to know what psychologists even do and what others might offer. I explained that each may do things differently and was thinking about bringing up what the kids were playing about as heā€™d seemed unphasedā€¦

Interestingly, I wasnā€™t anxious of the responsibility as my current amateur self might expect.

Although I love the topic, I donā€™t even know if psychology is the career for me, and have been thinking about checking out the police after I return from travelling in a few months time, who knows, maybe this is a signā€¦ :smile:

Anyways, I should probably eat something before work, have a lovely and sober day guys :heart:


Sorry thatā€™s the case. I personally found my mom either didnā€™t remember any conversations period, or denied them. Even after I had recorded them or had voicemails of her vitriol and hatred aired directly about me with other family members listening. All stayed silent, all complied, all enabled. Onwards for you :heavy_heart_exclamation:


It does make me anxious for Thanksgiving but it does NOT make me want a drink.
Enabling is a very real part of all this I am discovering. I think it is time to start calling out the elephants in the room.
That said, Iā€™m sorry for your Mom. šŸ©¶šŸ©·
Ever Onward!!


Thank you @JazzyS your reply really means a lot to me. Iā€™ve been feeling much better today. Still a bit worried about the mood swings but glad that I was able to enjoy my time here now, finally.


Hereā€™s a huge hug @Sabrina80 Hope you get well soon.
Sending you love and strength. :pray:


@mindofsobermike Way to go Mike ā€“ 1 week milestone is awesome!! Glad you are taking it day by day and getting better :pray:
@SelfLove_42 magnesium foot soak? Huh ā€“ I didnā€™t know about these. Thanks ā€“ will look into this as well. Glad to hear that this has been helpful for you.

YES! Wow ā€“ this is so right on and what a revelation. Grateful to see you working with all the tools and showing up for yourself! Double digits!!! Woot Woot! :tada: :tada:
@noshame Your numbers are looking great ā€“ Glad today was a better day! :hugs:
@butterflymoonwoman How are you doing now Dana? I know when I am missing my self care or daily routines or even when I have a bad run with sleep (like you have been having) that I can be short and irritated about everything around me. Just being off on one thing can totally screw up my mood balance. I do hope you can take time for yourself and practice selfcare. Glad the meds helped some ā€“ hopefully a even better night of sleep in store for tonight. :people_hugging:
@tragicfarinelli Have you done a Covid test or could it just be the flu? Sorry you are feeling so crappy on top of dealing with withdrawals. I do hope you are able to get some rest. Sending you and @Wakikki and @trustybird some healing vibes. Hope you all get better soon :pray:
@happyfeet Oh glad that you are enjoying your time on your vacation.

Checking in on Tuesday eveningā€¦
335 days (aka 11 months ) free of alcohol and weed
750 days free of cigarettes
WOW ā€“ what a difference a friendly tone can make. I am so grateful that I treasured my self worth enough to not go back to the cold and dismissive OB. Todayā€™s appointment was super comfortable. A lot of waiting as they were super backed up but still everyone was friendly and attentive and CARING! Had I been deep in my addiction ā€“ the wait alone would have gotten me all crazed and put me in a bitchy mood. Grateful to see how far Iā€™ve come! My OB does want me to have the surgery but really wants to remove a lot more than I am comfortable with. Just want the damn cyst removed and leave the rest LOL. Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening. Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Hi j, not COVIDā€¦ Some gastro stomach thing I think. Itā€™s ultra bad, still up at nearing 3am here. Canā€™t sleep, canā€™t get comfortable, too hot too cold, head killing.


Congratulations on 11 months! Iā€™m happy to hear that your appointment went well :grin:


Oh Shit!!! Damn that sucks babe. I am sorry - it really sound awful. sending you so many healing vibes - i do hope you are able to get some sleep soon love.


Hello friends, wrapping up day 893. Wishing you all peace. :blue_heart: