Checking in daily to maintain focus #62

Day 1142,

Just recently activated my LinkedIn profile again. Got a free month LinkedIn premium, so could see the people who watched my profile. Saw one guy with an interesting trackrecord in healthcare. Contacted him via a message to ask whether we could meet to get to know each other mentioning that Iā€™m looking for a role in the healthcare sector for example as an experience expert. He replied within minutes that he is willing to meet, no answer yet on my proposal for a time. He is supervising a company were there is an opening for an experience expert. So connected those dots already. That head of mine :unamused:.

Screw my re-integration coach, Iā€™m taking over the wheel (sorry needed to let that out :grimacing::joy:).

Have a nice day :pray:


@ELY83 congrats on all the 2s :tada:
@KrissyMae I hope the antibiotics do help until you can get your root canal done :crossed_fingers:t2::people_hugging:šŸ©µ
@Shel75 welcome :blush:
@mreeclee welcome back :blush:
@JonB congrats on your year :tada: :trophy: :star2:
@Mischa84 thatā€™s good news šŸ©µ
@Twizzlers stay strong :people_hugging: your true self knows you donā€™t want to go back there, try not to let the relapse thoughts ruminate, and stay connected šŸ©µ
@Pickles congrats on 3 years :tada::trophy::star2::star2::star2:
@PositiveThoughts congrats on 2+ weeks :tada: sending strength :people_hugging:šŸ©µ
@Catmama23 Iā€™m sorry your symptoms are bad :people_hugging: I hope you get answers and a plan asap :crossed_fingers:t2:šŸ©µ


@Pamela congrats on 2 weeks and the first hurdle :tada::raised_hands:t2:
@acromouse congrats on your 30 day milestones :tada::tada:
@Chevy55 congrats on 30 days :tada:

1272 days no alcohol.
737 days no cocaine.
252 days no vape.

Checking-in with yesterdayā€™s numbersā€¦

Very relaxed day, my mind was calm and peaceful and I just enjoyed the welcomed relief of that.

Late afternoon my dad called me to say my brother and his family were visiting in the evening as they hadnā€™t seen him for his birthday yet. He didnā€™t think I would go because they were getting a Chinese takeaway, and I canā€™t drive in the dark, but wanted to invite me anyway. I initially declined, but then I thought about it a lot and didnā€™t want to pass up on the opportunity to see my nieces, as I did reach out to my SIL earlier in the week to ask when I could visit again, but she said they were busy for the forseeable. So I decided to get a taxi to my dadā€™s to spend the evening with them all, and it was really nice, I was planning to get a taxi home but my dad gave me a lift so that was nice of him. Unfortunately having a small portion of takeaway Chinese, lead to a binge with my diet bars when I got home, I ate 3 instead of 1, nothing major, especially in comparison to my binge-eating history, but I want to stay fully accountable because the familiar feelings of losing control and guilt and shame were present, I had a good streak, Iā€™ll get it back, and more hopefully.

I hope youā€™re all having wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



Cheking in. Typical I allways check in when Im having a hard day. Something is going on, and I never know if its Something bad going on or if its just my anxiety. ā€œJustā€, becaus its hell no just just. I know I have health anxiety. And no matter what I feel, like fex a little sting some place, my alarm goes of LOUD, and I start to feel Something everywhere. Tired of this. Tomorrow Im going for my first emdr, but now Im scared to because of whats going on in my body.

At least Im sober :+1:


Happy Sunday, all. Checking in on day 207.



Old diggings :sweat_smile:



Oh my gosh I am sorry to hear that, especially as a parent!

Schools really have a contradictory approach to bullying. They say 0 tplerance and thenā€¦8 years of that shit your daughter has gone through. Good for her standing up for herself & good for you trying to guide her through it. Xo


@SoberWalker Claudia, sorry for being lateā€¦

Happy Happy Birthday :balloon::balloon::balloon: Wish you the best and I hope your all dream will come true.


(Yesterday was big day, right?)


39 days free of alcohol
33 days free of THC

Today the storm clouds are gathering in my head. Telling me that nothing will work out, that Iā€™m dying, that Iā€™m worthless, that Iā€™ll never be free of pain, that Iā€™m a loser, that actually the world owes me, that Iā€™ve been screwed, and on and on. Iā€™ve done all the things Iā€™m supposed to do and nothing helps. So I guess I just have to ride this out. Itā€™s very very unpleasant. I have to remember this will pass even though it doesnā€™t feel like it. I hate being angry: I feel like Iā€™m one moment away from saying fuck it. Everything has gotten so much harder since I got clean. Why. Why why why.

Thank you @SoberWalker and @CATMANCAM


Hot chocolate is always the answer. Especially with marshmallows. Mmm


Day 35: checking in :black_heart:

Hope everyone has a great sober day


12 or 13 days weed free. I keep forgetting. 2007 days alcohol free. 2 days gamble free. Lost snother pool tournament last night. But played OK so wasnt too upset. Lol



Missed check in last night, I think for the first time. I didnā€™t forget. I should have checked in before I went out bc I was too tired when I got home after helping my friend prep her attic for painting today. Iā€™ll check in again tonight when the number rolls over. Enjoy your Sunday!


Have I missed your birthday @SoberWalker ???:open_mouth:

Happy belated birthday wishes Claudia :balloon::tada::balloon:

Hope things with your cousin turn out for the good @Mischa84 . Iā€™m so sorry you have to worry about him not being able to be there.
My brother and his wife are having a hard time with her son. Drug abuse and addiction effects life of so many people besides the addictā€¦ It is just hard.
Stay strong and positive my dear!


Checking in after a chilled day. Took Rocky for a beautiful walk this morning in the countryside, so blessed to live here. He absolutely loved it!! Looking after my poorly cat suki, sheā€™s 15 and her dementia has progressed the last couple of weeks. Trying to make her life as easy as possible, thinking sheā€™s loving the extra attention too! My boys came back from their dads yesterday, was meant to be today but they wanted to come home early, lovely having some extra time with them, though my nearly 16 year old spent most of it gaming till he wanted me to get the clippers out on his hair lol Apparently I did a better job then his barber so heā€™s now stationed me as his new one :woman_facepalming:t2::see_no_evil: chilling at the mo with Rocky then an early night. Have appointment tomorrow with Archieā€™s consultant regarding his CFS, hoping that will go ok :crossed_fingers: hope you have all had a blessed Sunday :rose::v:


Checking in on the evening of day 462 AF.

Spent most of the day at the hospital with my wife; She started to feel quite unwell last night and we had to go to the Accident & Emergency dept this morning. A boatload of blood tests, blood pressure checks, xrays etc later and sheā€™s back home in her own bed.

All about the pain management for her these days.


Goodnight :crescent_moon: :sleeping: :zzz:






Luckily, as far as I know, heā€™s alright now more or less. We used to be very close, we grew up together in same house, he is 2 years older than me so we always were good friends. Together we fucked up ours young lives with never ending parties and drugs, later with alcohol. Apparently, when we started families etc we continued drinking but more secretly. I donā€™t even know what is he doing cause we barely talking, unfortunately we both are not phone calls type of people. I know i have to step up but i donā€™t know how


About @SoberWalker birthday, Ive seen thread about people having bday at February and Claudia was on the list, 3rd Feb. But I have some feeling it was few weeks ago she was celebrating :sweat_smile::thinking: idk, probably Iā€™m wrong.

@SoberWalker help us :slight_smile: