Covid-19 aka the Coronavirus

Covid-19 is affecting economies, governments, municipalities, families and individuals.

It’s extremely contagious and it is spreading rapidly throughout the world. Many countries have closed their borders (IATA) and many cities are on lockdown. Many people around the world are staying home under quarantine, either by their own choice or by order from their government.

These are stressful times. High amounts of stress can lead to mental health issues and our community is especially vulnerable to that. The last thing we want is to contribute to widespread panic that results in additional worry or stress for our members.

That is why I will request that you do not share unsubstantiated stories, rumors or theories about the virus. No stories of “my husband’s uncle’s mom’s son’s schoolmate has the virus and his eyes fell out”. You are allowed to share news, but it needs to be from a reputable source. Not a Facebook post. A real news agency, or preferably an authority on the subject (like WHO or CDC).

For anyone who would like more information about the virus, I urge you to read more on WHO’s website. Here’s a link to a general Q&A:

Don’t spread panic, it’s almost as bad as the virus itself.

Please stay safe and healthy.


13 posts were split to a new topic: Coronavirus Discussion