Day 1 of how many

I’m new to the community.
It’s difficult to even try and vision my future life without alcohol.
It feel so intrinsically linked everything in my life that I associate as being nice.
See friends… drink. See family… drink. After work social… drink. Holiday… drink. Restaurant… drink.

However, I also cannot articulate any value it adds to my life.
Other than the momentary feeling ‘good’. Confident and less anxious.

So I guess I’m just here saying… hi I’m new and it feels a bit scary and a big deal. :wave:t3:


It is scary to invision life without. For me it because using became a way of life, and when that was taken out of my life I had to find a new way to live. Change is scary.

Thank you. ‘New way to live’ is a more realistic mindset. Rather than same life minus alcohol.

So I’ll try to think about that


Please feel free to reach out. The only things I have to offer is my experience strength and hope. If you are open to suggestions I would suggest, 90 meetings in 90 days. And getting phone numbers, of the same sex ( hard to tell by the name if you are male or female) remember we are only promised today, so just for today you do not have to use. The hardest thing to do is not pick up, but you can take that one moment at a time.

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Hi Jess, and welcome to the forum. Before I got sober, this worry about the future without drinking was one of the major obstacles I had to resolve. When I did finally get sober, a huge part of it was focusing on laying a sober head on my pillow each night. And I realized that I didn’t even have to stay sober for 24 hours! It was more like only about 6-8 hours per day that weren’t taken up with sleep, commuting, work, attending an AA meeting. It calmed me down to know that I could just focus on an hour or so at a time with the goal of getting to bed sober.

I’ve found that when I stay sober today then tomorrow pretty much takes care of itself.

Blessings on your house :pray: as you begin your journey.

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Hi @Jess3, welcome! I never thought I would ever be able to get off the drinking hamster wheel, I was so stuck to it. But with this place and one day at a time I’m 600+ days!! Take it steady and be gentle with yourself :pray:t2::two_hearts:

Hi there! Welcome. This is a great place to start! Here is a topic full of threads and FAQs, if you are interested in having a look. :face_with_monocle:

I am glad you’re here!