Day 4, what to do about cravings?

I just joined this group and am currently on day 4 af. I’ve tried getting sober before but never really took it seriously. I know now that I have a problem that I have to address. With past stints of sobriety the cravings felt unbearable. I’m not to that point yet but want to be prepared. What are some tools that you all have found useful in early recovery to curb cravings?

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Chocolate for sure


Read, read, read.


I spent A LOT of time on here in my early days. Read, read and read some more. Also, meetings helped me. There’s so many online options now that a meeting can be found all hours of the day and night.


Like the others already mentioned: read here!
What also has helped me is binge watching Netflix and walking in nature. Listening to recovery podcast like “Recovery elevator” has helped me too as well as reading recovery books.

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Working out, redbulls, and video games…movies too.

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I second this for sure.
I know it’s still early but try using the app (meeting guid) and look to see what meetings are near you. Once the first week passes it becomes easier, having a community that is going through the same thing as you is a game changer. As your sober days grow longer you may find yourself wanting to talk about sobriety more and you may feel held back or not comfortable or maybe not even know how with your friends and family that are not sober. Even if they are 100% supportive there’s nothing like finding a group with a designated time and space to get these thoughts out. Hope this helped. Stay strong you got this!


Thisss​:raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands: :raised_hands:

here here, I now need CA meetings and I’m not talking cocaine :rofl: