First post. Giving sobriety another shot. Feel so ashamed

Well, here I am again. The first 24 hrs after a BAD alcohol binging episode. The shame is killing me. I cant stop crying. This time, it couldve gone really bad. There was a complete stranger at the restaurant where i was drinking who intervened and didnt let me go home with a complete stranger. The shame, guilt, regret comes from the numerous times i have been here in the last 7 years. I started binge drinking to cope as a result of my husband at the time abandoning me. My bio mom abandoned me as a child. She is an alcoholic. Anyway, the trauma of my husband leaving when i was pregnant almost killed me. I need to stop. I have a beautiful girl who depends on me. I need to let the pain go. Please any words of encouragement would help as well as tips as how to get started on sobriety. :pray:


I know it’s super hard at first but try to let go of the guilt and shame… they only keep us sick! Just be kind to yourself for the first few days, you’ve taken the first step. Sending you much love xxx


You are an intelligent, incredible, beautiful, thoughtful, caring, gentle person. You are meant for more than you know. So stay, take care of yourself better than anyone ever could and keep shining. This community can understand one another. Knowing ourselves is possibly one of the greatest aspects of being a human being. Any moment we could be gone. :heart:


Welcome to the community! This thread has a lot of info and links to other threads with info for people who are starting out, maybe some of this will help :point_down:

We’ve all been there, waking up in a world of shame and embarrassment. You’re not alone.


Welcome! You are on the right path. I am so sorry that happened to you. Sobriety helps us deal with the pain by actually dealing with the pain. We no longer have to drown it out with booze. We work through it. It can be tough at first but it gets easier and it is so worth it. Our bodies, minds, and spirits thank us. Keep coming and keep checking in here! You can do this!! :slight_smile:


Welcome Dee! I’m so happy you found this community. I hope you’ll stick around and utilize the rsources and enjoy the support. You deserve so much more than the life you are living. :purple_heart:


Know that you are not alone in how you are feeling. The first step I have taken towards bettering myself or situation is just being able to talk about it, rather than hide from it. And here you are talking about it, when it’s not easy to do!

Glad you are here friend. Everyone here wants to help support each other. :heart:


AND it didn’t, so let this be all you need to get better. Shame, though it’s an “easy” fallback, will not help you. It will actually keep you in a place of pain and emotional paralysis.

All you have to do today is not drink. The rest (except maybe daughter cuddles) is secondary.

I am glad you’re here and I am rooting for you.


I am in tears of gratitude :pray: thank you all.

Hi @DeeNinjaBinx

Welcome, I’m so glad you found your way to this community of beautiful people. Active addiction is extremely difficult to get through alone…we all need support. Your feelings of shame, guilt, and hopelessness are normal to feel, but as many have mentioned already do not give yourself permission to stay there, because it only makes a situation worse.

You recognize you have an issue….there are so many out there who haven’t, so that in itself is a gift. It’s your first foot forward in a new healthier direction, and now…your not alone. Now, you have support…keep learning about recovery and addiction. Keep talking…keep fighting.

We walk with you.


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