Friday night - what's up

#1. Worst job. I was a receptionist/shipping at a pornography distributorship. I had to take the call, write down the order, go down to the warehouse, pick out the VHS and then wrap it in brown wrap and send it out. (Had to walk past the film set on the way.) Yikes. I was 18 and high on coke most the time.

#2. Worst Advice: “Keep doing it, even if you don’t like it.” or “Never let them see you sweat!” I don’t agree with it. Life is finite. Enough unhappiness comes without our permission. We don’t need to invite it in.

#3 “Don’t try to be perfect. Perfect is the enemy of good. Take perfect off of your horizon. It doesn’t exist. You’ll never get there. Be damn good today.” (Also my best job!)

#4. Treating people who annoy me for no reason? Death glare. I have a good one. I am generally pretty compassionate and try to remain aware that everyone has a story. Sometimes, RBF is real!

#5. Who makes me laugh the most? My best friend in California.

#6. How do I feel most misunderstood? The only time is when I am trying to talk to my ex about our kids and he reforms each and every word. Now I usually put things in writing.

#7. Best trait? My eyes.

#8. Goals for 2019. Authenticity. No hiding. 100% painful truths - which I bet don’t turn out so painful.

#9. Who is my best friend? My girlfriend who makes me laugh most. She goes by “T” and she has been in my corner since 1994.

#10 Something you would like to change about yourself or improve on? @ifs talked about it earlier in this thread. I would like to stop the self-sabotage. I have an incredible business and continue to work for others because I don’t get out my own way. I will delete self-sabotage from my DMO.

#11. Who I would love to be stuck in an elevator with? @Yoda-Stevie - but not if he wants to fight me.

#12. If my house was on fire what would I grab? After kids and pups, rat, and rabbits, everything can go. I lost everything once. It’s not important.

#12a-Most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you? I don’t really get embarrassed. Interesting. I did poop on the table giving birth. :roll_eyes:

#13. What job would you be terrible at? h Anything to do with bodily fluids. Just - no.

#14. If you could be a member of any tv sitcom family, what would it be? Maybe Family Ties.

#15. What did your last relationship teach you? Or what do you think about when you’re by yourself. I’ll answer both. It taught me how much someone else can manipulate you into controlling you and keeping you from who you are. When I’m alone, I think about ways I can stay sane and all the things I cant wait to change. (I am just leaving @MandiH answer!) Thanks for laying out the questions for me!

#16. 5 things you’d take in a zombie apocalypse?
Bow & Arrow (because the ammo is potentially reusable), food, water,matches and a cyanide tablet (just like in spy shows).

#17. If you were kind/queen/other royalty for a day, what would be your first rule that you would change? Hmmmm. I agree in improving mental health. Demystify, decriminalize, make care accessible. Getting it done? Who knows how. It’s going to be awhile in this country.

#18. Favorite toy growing up? Definitely my Barbies. However, they were usually doing pretty crazy stuff, like crashing their RV down into a ravine, with GI Joe rappelling down to save them.

#19. What is something you really dislike but have no good reason for disliking? Repetitive sounds…clicking, breathing, chewing, tapping. I didn’t have it before I was a linguist, which meant a lot of static in my ears for hours - so maybe there is a reason.

#20. Cure for hiccups? Teaspoon of straight sugar. Gross but effective.


Yay! That’s what I was hoping to hear :grinning: happy to get to know you better too! 20 questions was so fun!


Thanks Mandi! Just starting to find my sober voice so feeling a bit more comfortable putting myself out there a little. Appreciate the feedback!


Ok, wouldn’t know how to actually share the link but the title is Northern soul, Ska, Motown and Mod classics.

This one?

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Ok! Show off!

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:rofl::rofl: I’m going to listen to it now. I haven’t figured out how to link to threads on here, so my abilities are limited.

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@aircircle @anon34614660

So I just went to do the dishes. Got the dishwasher set up and was so excited to pop those plastic silverware holders back in for use, now that I know what they’re for (organizing!)

Then I realized putting them in those slots means having to touch the part of the silverware that watery, old food is on. No thank you.

sigh the dream was nice while it lasted


Two options:
Wash the dishes before you wash the dishes.
Flip up the organiser and chuck them in like a heathen.

There is only one correct answer.


I took the little separators out because they where too fussy for me! Wife didn’t like it but it stayed!

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Yes. The answer is wash the dishes before you wash the dishes!:crazy_face:



I didn’t know what they were, but I did know that they were usually in the way! Sayonara, plastic separators.


(Good lawd, this thread was lit. Y’all doing Fridays right.)


That’s how I roll :rofl:

Like @MandiH and @EarnIt*, first I had to collect all 20. Here they are, questions only, for posterity:

  1. Your worst job ever?
  2. Worst advice anyone has given you?
  3. Best advice anyone has given you?
  4. How do you treat people who annoy you for no reason?
  5. Who makes you laugh the most?
  6. How do you feel most misunderstood?
  7. Your best trait?
  8. Goals for 2019?
  9. Who is your best friend?
  10. Something you would like to change about yourself? Or improve upon?
  11. Who would you love being stuck in an elevator with?
  12. If your house were on fire… what’s the one thing you would grab?
  13. What job would you be terrible at?
  14. If you could be a member of any tv sitcom family, which would it be?
  15. What did your past relationship teach you? Or. What do you think about when you’re by yourself?
  16. What five things would you take with you during the zombie apocalypse and why?
  17. If you were kind/queen/other royalty for a day, what would be your first rule that you would change?
  18. What was your favorite toy growing up?
  19. What is something you really dislike but have no good reason for disliking?
  20. What’s your cure for hiccups?

And alrighty then…

  1. Worst job, odd tasks at 13 y/o for the local Dairy Queen. Owner under-paid me under the table to do stuff like scrape gum off the sidewalks.
  2. In hindsight, not sure if I’ve gotten bad advice or just taken it poorly.
  3. Best advice: Why not try something different?
  4. Annoyed for no reason… on a good day I listen to understand why. On a rough day I walk away. On a bad day I sass back.
  5. Jim Gaffigan.
  6. Sounds conceited, but I feel misunderstood when told in earnest I’m “smart” or “special.”
  7. My traits are open for judgment.
  8. 2019 goals: Couch to 5k, finish my step work, see where Life takes me.
  9. Many great friends, best is one who’s back in Wisconsin. She is wise AF and sees through my BS.
  10. I’d like to find courage again. It comes in fits and starts, but I still tend toward inaction.
  11. Stuck in an elevator with Natalie Portman. She’s always seemed cool AF.
  12. If your house were on fire I would grab… my ass and get out.
  13. I’d be a horrible sportsball player. Entirely for lack of trying.
  14. I may as well already be the member of a sitcom family. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  15. Being engaged taught me no matter how good I’ve got it, I can still drop the ball if I’m not paying attention. :broken_heart:
  16. First of all, it will definitely be a robot uprising. So an EMP, an EMP, another EMP, a good book, and camping supplies.
  17. I would immediately make me not royalty. King should also have been an answer to #13.
  18. Lego FTW.
  19. When people say, “It’s been a minute,” meaning a long time, it grates on me for reasons I can’t explain. Just stop it, California.
  20. For hiccups, I hold my breath and swallow as many times as I can.

So wrong my CDO friend, so wrong!

Yeah, it sucked. Our singer ended up in the hospital. Had to have a major skin graft operation. Drummer got a busted lip and bruising, guitarist, bassist, and merch guy were shaken up, and I ended up with cuts and bruising because my seat belt failed, and I fell against the window that was sliding on the concrete. Cut my leg a little when I kicked out the windshield so we could all get out.

It was a very shitty ending to a decent tour. Ended up being my last tour with those guys, as they kicked me out a few months later after our first show back.