Need to talk to someone

2nd day sober I feel like crap drank a bottle of vodka. Blackout don’t remember I’m ashamed of myself

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Welcome to the forum Richard. You’ve come to the right place -it sure is for me- to get support in your sober journey. Together we can do this. Alone it is too hard.
If i can give you just one piece of advice right now it’d be to remember how your feeling now. Write it down or memorize it in another way. You don’t ever want to feel like this again. I know, I’ve been there like all of us here have. And you won’t have to. Stay sober, one day at a time. Work your sobriety. Get as much support as you can. Read. Learn. Go to meetings. Whatever it takes. You can do this but it takes work. Wishing you all success.


Feeling ashamed is part of the disease process. To focus on the past instead of working on today sets us up for repeated self sabotage. You’re here now and you don’t need to/have to drink again. And, you don’t have to do it alone. Work today, talk out your feelings and consider a meeting with like minded folks. It gets better.


Thank you so much it helps to talk to someone I am determined this was a big wake up call.

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I drank so much I felll down and smashed the back of my head and cut my lip. Then I fell again. I’m 6’3. 270. The bigger they are the harder they fall was buised up. This all happened in front of my frien who was sober he told me he thought I died

Yes. Ouch. Hope you are OK. I’m from Amsterdam and I do everything on my bike. Which in the past included being very drunk. I fell off drunk more than once. Flat on my face. More than once. With friends and without 'm. Lucky to have my teeth. Well, lucky to have my life actually. So glad those days are over. I don’t think back to it that much now. It’s in the past. I’m in recovery and I don’t do that no more. Never again. As I hope it is for you Richard. I hope you take a good look around this site, and if so inclined, engage in conversation on more threads. Here’s some stuff for you to read: