Want advice

My 1st sober day , feeling slightly depressed . Have many doubts if I can reach my goal or not . So please want some advice how can I go through this stage .


I felt the same way the day I loaded this app. Today I have 15 days sober. Which seemed so far away, now it’s here. Take it moment by moment. I decided for each moment, I decide not to use no matter what is happening I can make it through this moment.


Hello pal and welcome!! I am very glad you’re here.

All I can suggest to you is to take this thing one day at a time. Goals are great and all, don’t get me wrong. But sometimes any amount of time is too big for us and it gets discouraging.
That’s why it’s best to break it down into 24 hour periods. Or break it down even further if you have to. Just make it through the next hour without picking up and that will be a win. Then on to the next hour or the next 24 hours (one day)

And writing always helps. I know for me, it’s like my Rememberer is broken. I would seem to forget how bad it was. So writing down what I felt like in those early days helped me to remember. Just putting pen to paper, there is something about it.

And no matter what, don’t pick up!


Great advice!


Welcome! This post :point_down: has a ton of links to threads that you should find useful, hope this helps!


Thanks alot , but is there a thread like that for different kinds of addiction ? . I am not alcoholic . Or I am in the wrong app :sweat_smile:

Use the magnifying glass at the top to search your addiction.

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There are people with all types of addictions here, like @Vessel said just use the search function to find exactly the topic you’re looking for :slightly_smiling_face:

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What @Vessel Carrie says.

Plus search up any key points using the magnifying glass above.
Have an open mind to try anything.

I’d recommend getting a 12 step program on the go. I’m not saying it’s the answer but it was for me… learn about what’s wrong with you and you will learn the substance or any other addiction is just the end result.

No programs focus on a drink or drug it’s hardly ever mentioned in AA for example

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Welcome to the forum. It can be really hard to be at the bottom of your own personal mountain, looking up and wondering if you have what it takes to climb it. Do you have the strength, the stamina, the will power, and the commitment? You do have what it takes. You do and you can do it. You have the potential to be the hero in your own story. Keep coming back to this forum. Read other people’s stories, make connections, reach out when you feel like giving up and someone will encourage you to keep going.


Welcome to the group Try.
Best advice really is one day at a time.
I’m an alcoholic. The first few days I did a lot of other things to feel better. Walked a lot. Exercised a lot. Cleaned house. Drank a lot of sparkling water. Prayed. Did devotionals. And checked in on here and read a lot. Then joined in on some of the conversation that I was comfortable with. And I do a gratitude list ever single day.
One day at a time.