Diagnosed with pancreatitis

Hi everyone, my names Pete. I’ve been on here before and unfortunately relapsed after just over 4 months. Last week I was rushed into hospital with acute pancreatitis. I was told I was probably no more than a few more drinks away from no return. Biggest kick up the arse I needed. So my drinking days are all but over, but I just wanted (as many of you already know) to let you know it can happen to anyone on any day. I was happy and felt as fit as a fiddle last Wednesday, but look at me now.


Welcome to the community. Glad you had that kick before it was too late. Lots of support and information here for you and your sober journey.
Get well wishes since it sounds like you are still suffering from the pancreatitis.


Hi Pete,
Good that they found it and you’ve been given that chance to address it. Good luck on your journey, keep in touch :sparkling_heart:


Welcome Pete
It sounds like you got a lot to be grateful for. There’s a great bunch of us on the gratitude thread being grateful ODAAT. It my strongest tool.

When I’m not drinking I got a lot to be grateful for. I believe there’s an open chair for ya. Bring your own coffee though.
Hope to see you around.


Welcome back to the community Pete.
So sorry to hear about your health issues. So true that our health is so fragile and can take a turn just like that.
Sending you healing energy to help you get back on track. Great to have you back with us. :hugs:


Thank you all for the warm welcome back. We all know people who use the phrase “I can stop just like that”, but the answer is different when they try it for an hour. I’m guilty of it myself, I’m no saint. But it’s when the gods actually look down on you and say “now let’s see you change your lifestyle “. I honestly believe, that my mom was looking down on me that morning and in typical style of when she was alive, she would always say “it’s going to come back and bite you in the ass one day, and you would say “yeah yeah”. Well now she’s probably sat on my shoulder whispering “I effing told you so”.


I’m rooting for you! Can you tell me what pancreatitis feels like?


Hi there. The only way I can explain about how it feels, is an excruciating stabbing pain around your liver and pancreas, in which the pain will shoot down to your stomach and up into your chest. It was all in the right side of my body. It will also creep around into your back/kidney area. The last words my consultant told me was “it’s been aggravated now, so I will get stabbing pains from time to time for life now, but not the sort of pain it was to start with.


Courages to post it and a reminder for many. My liver luckily has been fine, a real eyeopener was when my doctor told me, “listen: it is fine now, but it can shut down quickly at some point if you continue”. I’m sorry you have to go through this, grateful you’re still alive.



Glad you’re back here Pete and wishing you peace as you work to recover. Cling tight to this sober fam and they will definitely help you through :muscle:t2:


Welcome back! Thats definitely nothing fun to go through. My wife has been diagnosed with the same. Been in the ER twice in four years weve been married and i dont wish that on anyone. I wish you well on your recovery from both.


I hope you are okay now!
That can be so scary.
Just know you have the strength to continue with your journey. We are all human so don’t beat yourself up. I have made tons of mistakes and it can make you feel regret at first, but we learn from our mistakes. Hope you can heal from this.


I was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis when I was in high school way before I started drinking. I had no idea the effect that alcohol can contribute to that until I had a second pancreas attack. Of course that didn’t stop me. You would have thought having part of my pancreas cut off would have stopped me, but nope. It was not long ago when I finally realized that it’s not time for my story to end yet. I will be 5 months sober on Saturday and hopefully no more issues with the pancreas from here on out


Welcome, Pete! You got this! :heart: