I think i need help! I becoming addicted to alcohol. Please help

I think im becoming an alcoholic. I think about drinking everyday especially when i have alcohol in the house. Im scared that im going to need it one day and idk what to do to avoid crashing…


Welcome to the community, @Trying123, glad to have you with us!

Are you actually drinking every day or are you able to control your urges? Has something happened recently that has increased the urge to drink?


Normally (past couple years) i would just drink twice a week if that. But now ive been drinking every single day since we moved into our new house (almost 2 weeks everyday at least 2 drinks if not more) Its like if its there, im drinking it. Thank you for responding.

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Welcome J.
Sounds like alcoholic thinking to me.
This is a great community for help and support. Lots of great info here.

Have a good read around and learn as much as you can about this progressive, cunning and baffling disease.


Thank you so mcuh for those articles. I am gling to start by throwing away the alcohol in the house and see if that will help me at all. I appreciaite the responses…


That’s a great start.
Being around like minded people that are trying not to pick up that first drink, the most important one not to have, helped me a lot.


The other thing that I would recommend is to take your foot off the gas and just ‘be’ for a while. Moving home is a stressful thing to do, it upsets all sorts of balances and it takes a while to settle back down again.


Biggest test if your alcoholic is if you crave it once you start. If i have one drink i immediately want ten more! You might not be a true alcoholic, you might be, but either way it sounds like getting rid of the booze is a smart idea. Chill out for a bit, maybe catch a meeting in “real life”. You’ll find your way!


One way to think is would I rather be sober wondering if I was an alcoholic or alcoholic wondering if I could get sober? If drinking is causing worry, then you don’t have to drink it. You don’t need it like fibre or Vitamin C. Honestly, the intrusive thoughts and fear is not good, regardless of being ‘alcoholic’ or not. Cut out of your life what doesn’t serve you.
I started my sober journey by reading quit lit like Annie Grace; Alan Carr is another famous one. You can learn a lot about alcohol, addiction and ways to quit.


Welcome to the site! Where the medical literature used to say that there were certain benefits to alcohol now they’re saying pretty much across-the-board that there is no benefit at all.
And if you’re wondering if you have a problem, you do have a problem. You’re doing more than what you’re comfortable with.
Good first step by getting rid of it. Welcome to your new home and welcome to the site!
Lots of support and help for you here.


Thank you so much for your support and encouragement :pray: :heart:

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Thank you! I have faith that i really will find my way :purple_heart::pray: its just hard. Im still in bed but when i get up the first thing im doing is getting the alcohol out of the house. Seeing it and knowing its there has a constant nudging in my brain throughout the day and i really think getting it out is going to be a huge help :crossed_fingers:t2:

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Alcohol is an addictive poison which re-circuits your brain to require more of it to achieve the same effect over time.

We all started out drinking once or twice a week and maybe a couple of drinks. I ended up drinking at 7 in the morning just to make it to work…

I believe anyone can end up as an alcoholic given time and exposure to the substance.

Every time I have had alcohol in the house I have relapsed.

If you’re worried about your pattern of behaviour then just get it out of the house now. It’ll be much easier than having to come back from where I and many here have been…