Lonely but surprised with new motivation

Hi, on day three and this self care has really opened my mind.

I am single but I feel I can have fun with the search - I have new motivation to get out there more instead of what I used to do which was sit at home and drink.

I was right to write a journal of my sobriety before that focused on physical health to feel more attractive.

An ex girlfriend once said years ago that I need to get out there more and now uncovering certain truths about myself that I need to face.

Feeling great at day 3. :+1::smile:


Being alone without being lonely is one of the hardest, yet most rewarding, aspects of sobriety. Once i became completely comfortable with myself i was much more equipped for being a good partner. That process took me a few years, some heartbreak, and a lot of lessons learned. They usually say wait a year before dating for good reasons. I know this from personal experience


Everyone is different of course …im just over a year sober and definitely not ready to look for a new relationship yet, in a way my alcoholism is the best thing that has ever happened to me because its forced me to take a huge look at myself and work on myself and everything in my life that brought me to drinking…no wonder non of my past relationships worked because now i know i was codependant, i feel like once i feel ready il attract the right relationship but im not there yet, be careful friend


Try social dancing! It’s fun and not focused on alcohol. A great way to meet people and have fun at the same time.


Thanks Starlight.

I’ve always been young for my age, a little immature in relationships and had my fair share of hurt, heartbreak and emotional pain and that’s what I now realize sent me to alcohol.

It’s only since working on self care that I have suddenly felt a lot better, quite surprisingly too. I feel I can attract (good things).

The view maybe enough for me - look but don’t touch.

Not to really get involved just yet, but to have fun and enjoy myself. That’s what it’s about after all. Alternative to alcohol - living.

:sunglasses::smile::grin::grin::grin::grin: (Day 4)


Long term and sustained sobriety will give you that and more. But that does not happen without some initial sacrifice. You can have fun in early sobriety but the focus really should be sobriety first , fun second.

As they always say anything you put before your sobriety is what you will lose.


Thanks Englishd. Yes as Robin Williams once said: ‘If you need alcohol to enjoy yourself, you are doing it wrong’.

There is physical health that is good that provides us with good times. Let us remember and think about, have a moment of silence for anybody that is struggling with physical health. Every time I think of a drink I will think of that and basically see that drink as a selfish act of drinking it. I must be thankful with what I have so far cause the poison is pretty much something I won’t do anymore.

Sobriety does come first cause I recognized I had a problem. Responsibility falls on my own shoulders and I am to maintain.

Yes, it is difficult at times to stay off the juice, it will never be easy.

Maybe easier as time goes by.

By the way a gratitude list is on the agenda to write one. I don’t very often write them at all. My self care is to maintain happiness. It’s so easy to become complacent as intelligence tricks me and makes me think ‘well my problem wasn’t that bad’, I am secure in understanding your advice.

I block out the bad, who am I kidding? Myself absolutely.

Day 5.


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There is a fabulous daily gratitude thread on here… with some even more fabulous people on it …

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It gets easier, but not without the work. For me that work was AA and the 12 steps. The steps don’t treat my alcoholism directly. They treat all the things that kept me stuck in the cycle of addiction. Not only is my sobriety pretty smooth sailing these days, but I’m also happier and more content as a result of the steps.