Seeking sober support gratitude group for 20-somethings in early sobriety

Hey all! I’m (25F) a newly sober (14 days!) New York resident looking for like-minded folks to start a group chat where we can share daily gratitude and talk about what life is like as a sober 20-something. I’ve been listening to Catherine Gray’s “The Unexpected Joys of Being Sober” and she said that it was one of the best things she did in early sobriety to hold herself accountable and build a strong sober network to share successes and discuss hardships in the early days. I’m very open & down for whatever - I can facilitate but I was thinking maybe something structured like…

  1. Posting 3 things we’re grateful for morning & night
  2. Sharing stories/engaging in open discussion about how early sobriety is going for us
  3. Exchanging ideas/poems/books/art that has inspired or held us up so far

If anyone is interested just let me know and I’ll put together a chat or something :slight_smile:


Welcome to the community, congratulations on your 14 days! Your idea is a great one. Doing sobriety together with others is very helpful, insightful and fun.
I quit in my 20s and it’s something that I never ever even thought about regretting or wishing that I had not done, it was the thing for me to do.

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Hi there! Just wanted to welcome u to the forum! My first serious attempt at quitting drugs was at age 21 when I began attending 12 step meetings and i definitly remember what it was like being young and in recovery. Im 39 now tho and have almost 2 years clean and sober :slight_smile: Hope u find this forum helpful as well


Welcome Silence
Congratulations on your 2 weeks of sobriety. Great job.
There’s a couple of gratitude threads, with quite a few regulars on them.

Gratitude has been my strongest tool in sobriety. I’ve actually retrained my brain exercising my gratitude muscles daily writing it. Reading it from others. Living it. Come check us out if you like. It’s a great way for me to start my day.

Keep up the good work.
Glad you found us.

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