Continuing the discussion from Sober Selfies #10 (shirts required, please review rules) (Part 4) - #2602 by Runningfree.
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Continuing the discussion from Sober Selfies #10 (shirts required, please review rules) (Part 4) - #2602 by Runningfree.
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Umm, ok I go first then with this good news:
I had the bf take multiple fotos. They were all the same. Apparently, when you reach a thousand, you get a mofo complementary default Sarah Connor stance. Lol.
Terminator reference for the win.
That what Im talking about!
Omg I can’t convey how much I love this. I’m a big fangirl since I was small! (Too small to should have watched it lol!)
Thank you guys!!
Congrats and nice shot
Congrats !
Congratulations on your
Now, that is the best way to start a sober selfies thread!! That’s awesome Faugxh!! I’m so happy to see this. I’m so excited I even forgot what I came on TS for. It doesn’t matter. You got a 1000 days and that’s……
Did you get a 3rd Scottie?
I thought you only had 2.
So hot…
Congrats my beautiful friend.
That’s amazing, huge congratulations!
1000 days is strong. Hope you are enjoying the ride!
That is FREAKING AWESOME congrats!
Thank you everyone! It truly wouldn’t be a celebration without y’all!! @Dazercat @Bootz the extra babe is Haggis, Hamish’s brother. He’s staying with us for the festivities aka my friend his mum is on holiday!
Cool pic. Congrats
Current thought of the week:
Relevancy; and what does it mean to me, for me?
Hard changes take real work. I’m unfamiliar with functionality long term and trying to create it for myself.
About to go meditate.
Keeping it honest for myself though, and reporting honestly to others.
My lifestyle with food is challenging right now. Truthfully sort of turning into more addictive brain problems.
Trying to turn goblin brain habits into relevancy in more successful habits.
I get this (I think). My relationship with food has changed slightly in my recovery and overall it’s healthier, but at least for me I’m still overeating on carb-y snacks and there’s some balancing to do. My recovery coach has told me in general it takes 3 months for old brain pathways to go away and new ones to be formed and get familiar, get the brain defaulting to them. I’ve just passed the three months of sustained sobriety with a real change in mindset and behaviour (as opposed to patches of sobriety in the past), and I’m asking myself now, what’s my next three-month project. It’s an interesting question. I have to force myself to cut away anything that’s superficial and ask, what’s the core, small, keystone behaviour that will have a big impact? I’m not yet sure what that is but I’m reflecting on it and looking for input. It’ll come
Take care and don’t give up. You’re a good person and you deserve a safe, sober life where you can be your full self.
Just a natural look today. Slowly getting out of a slight funk. Got a few things done so far, prayed, and switching my stinkin thinkin, for an attitude of gratitude