Continuing the discussion from Sober Selfies #11 (shirts required, please review rules) - #2687 by Astro.
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Continuing the discussion from Sober Selfies #11 (shirts required, please review rules) - #2687 by Astro.
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@anon53116147 dude you look so happy!
@Desire2ChangeToday looking great as always.
Kev deserves his own photo shoot
This represents real work and growth on your part, Jen. Congratulations!
I’d invest in a calendar!
Well that’s a good smile. I’m sorry you’re down, congrats on 11 months!
Especially if he’s dressed up in outfits… little flannel and jeans in the fall… speedo in the summer
Thanks. I’m trying! I probably need to update my thread soon. I haven’t been Mia
@Dan531 thank you!
There he is! Tell him I said “Wheeek! Wheeeeek!”
Congratulations On your 11 months Jen.
I’m so thrilled to see this!! Especially since I thought it was the 27th.
We got your back.
Thank you for helping to get me here
Hey Jen, I haven’t seen your thread for a while, did you change it?
I did. I made it unlisted for a bit more privacy just because of some of the relationship things I post. Im nearing the end of my thread though. I think it’s over 2k so I’ve been thinking of doing a chapter 2. It would be less personal or I might change the topic to my mental health journey and keep relationship stuff out but it would be open for the public lol
I can understand that. Also congratulations on 11 months!!
Congrats Jen.
Damn Dan, don’t look so happy.!
Thank you love!