Starting over again- day 1

Hi, Liv. Welcome aboard, you’ve gotten great advice already, so I just want to say glad you’re here!


Welcome! I sure hope you stick around and join in. When I first joined and started participating actively I finally had the community that I didn’t realized I was needing. That’s what made the difference for me and my ability to stay sober, then continue to work on a broader recovery. You’re in the right place to find your way, too. Glad you’re here.


Booze is enjoyable. That is why there are tons of addicts in the world. It is fun and it is built to become something you enjoy so much that you crave that release again and again.

I started re-evaluating my alcohol use shortly after I started drinking but it took me 20+ years to realize that I am an alcoholic. No one can choose that label for you but you.

There is hours of info on this site and tons of people who have had the same thoughts as you. Welcome! Read around.


Welcome to the show @choosingme!

You pretty my much described my 30’s. I spent the decade stuck in a “do I/don’t I have a problem” loop; on days where I was hungover I did, then 4 days later I didn’t.

I flirted with sobriety also, few days here, few weeks there. The longest I went was 2 months.

Eventually, as expected and on time, my drinking got worse. It got to the point where it was exhausting to drink. It took more and more work to keep it going. I didn’t like it anymore and it was seriously taking a toll on my body, mind and spirit.

It took me a while, but I got there and I found that sober is better, maybe you will find the same.


Hey Liv! Starting over myself with own sobriety journey and it is hard, but we have this! You and I must just remind ourselves of own power, worth and strength! Drugs and booze are tough to kick, but we are tougher! I hope 2024 treats you well and I hope you and I can find the peace and contentment we deserve :pray:t2:


Welcome to the TS family as well @Matt92

Great to have you here.


Thank you so much! Glad to be here and happy to have a community who understands and can help one another. :blush:


The fact you have to ask this usually tells the tale and the fact you found yourself on a sobriety app probably means you want to stop.
We all think drink and drugs or any addiction makes life better and then suddenly it doesn’t. It becomes the thing that is holding us back from who we really are and with a few life lessons here and there and a different solution to our problems other than our DOC the possibilities to who we can become are endless.
It’s a new year who do you want to be by the end of it :slightly_smiling_face:
I wish you well on your journey.


yep! i’m 37! my body simply can’t recover from the partying like it used to… and playing around like i’m still a kid is starting to take its toll on my self-esteem as well.


I’m 52 and starting over again also. One week today. All the good energy being sent your way


There was a clear point where my colleagues stopped partying all the time and started taking life a little more seriously, and there I was, with a lampshade on my head… I must have missed the memo that it was time to grow up.

But hey! It’s not too late to start, eh?


I tried to do day one yesterday but didn’t make it. So far today I’m good. I will be happy next week when I can say I’ve gone a week. My birthday is Friday so gotta get past that. You’re motivating me. Thanks


I’m also on day 1. This time I need to do it. It’s taking its toll on my body and mind. We can do this!


Tip - Don’t worry about next week, don’t even think about tomorrow. I’ve been sober over 3 years and I can promise you I don’t know if I’ll be sober next week and I definitely have no intention of not having a drink for the rest of my life but Today I’m going to be sober. So all we gotta do is get to the end of the day and tomorrow we can do whatever we want.


Welcome again Liv.
Just saw you on the sober selfies thread.

One of my best tools for my sobriety is gratitude. We got a thread for that.

I start every day on that thread. Writing it and reading what others have. We got so much to be grateful for when we are sober. C’mon over I’ll save you a seat. Bring your own coffee though :coffee:


This , in the beginning the future scared the pants of me like ill never drink again what about this event or what about that birthday but someone on here (cant remember sorry ) said just stay sober today and then 2moro is a new day and start again. Just that little saying takes so much of the stress and worry away :grinning: day 100 woop woop


thank you! i’m comin over :grin:


You got this I’ve been in the same boat but just recently Jan 1 decided to jump out. I’m excited to see where this new journey will take me. I tried stopping a few times but didn’t have a real concrete plan. Now that I’ve joined this community I feel like have support and the stories I’m reading are motivating!!


Welcome to the TS family @AnwarB

Glad you could be here.


Thanks for the good advice. I will use it.

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