5 days sober! 🎉

5 days ago, I was hospitalised after quitting alcohol cold turkey and experiencing the worst withdrawal of my life (stupid, I know, but tapering led to more relapses for me).
After a medical detox, 5 days later and I’m still experiencing a few symptoms, but I’m determined to recover.

My family don’t believe in alcoholism and have been making jokes about it, so I thought I’d post here as you all understand, and to keep myself accountable.

Have a good day all!


Most times non addicts/ alcoholics don’t understand, which is fine, but surprised they find humor in a something that caused a medical detox. Everybody here absolutely understands. I’m glad you’re on the other side of it.
Welcome to the community Indi.:v:

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Congrats on your 5 days!!!


Congratulations on your five days and welcome to the community! There is a daily check in thread that you may find helpful. You will find that there are an abundance of people here who will understand the difficulties you face because they have walked a similar path.

I wish you only the best on your journey.


The first thing they said to me was “What could a hospital do for a hangover?” and then offered me alcohol!! I was so taken aback, I couldn’t even say anything. This happened yesterday, and it made me so angry, but I managed to journal out my feelings and not relapse.

Thank you for your warm welcome and understanding. I wish you the best.


Thank you very much! Here’s to 6 days, and the rest of my life!

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Thank you for the advice. I will look for the thread. I have found this app to be so helpful (probably the main reason I haven’t relapsed!) and I am so grateful for everyone.

Thank you again.

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Here’s the link for you!

You are welcome to jump into any other thread that interests you as well. If you have cats, we kindly request pictures on the cat and pets thread. :laughing: :wink: Only if you feel comfortable with that, of course.

The more you engage on this app (or some other sobriety community that you might find), in whatever form is right for you, it can help you gain a feeling that you are part of a community, which can be a very useful thing, especially in early recovery, when feeling like you are alone and no one understands isn’t uncommon.


Congratulations, I am going on my 4th day. It is not easy but by the grace of God and the live of my husband I know I can do it.

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Amazing job! I’m a few days behind you so know the struggle. Stay close, reach out when you need us and we will get through it.

Making jokes is so not okay. I am so sorry you have to deal with that. My fiance passed from it, so believe me when i tell you i am ao proud of you and so glad youre still here with us. You are so strong. I am rooting for you every step of the way 🫶🏻


My brother laughed in my face when I opened up about my addiction too. Told me there was no such thing.

I feel your pain and isolation.

Well done and keep going :slight_smile:

Glad you’re here and amongst people who get it and understand exactly what you’re going through… whether it’s irl or online, surrounding yourself with people who want to get and stay sober is key. Every minute, hour and day we have sober is precious, so congrats to you for staying strong :sparkles: