Bad night,

Long night for me, day 39 almost kicked my ass. Wanted to drink so bad, but I pushed through and made it. Hopefully everyone else had a good night :slightly_smiling_face:


Good job pushing through!

Well done! Keep pushing through those bad nights. It does get easier.

I’m glad to hear you made it through. :slight_smile: I know that you’re new to the forum, so I wanted to bring the daily check in thread to your attention, just in case you haven’t seen it. It’s a great place for you make posts like this on a more regular basis. Some people find it really useful, and of course we all want to hear about your triumphs and give encouragement when you’re having a rough time.

Great job again! You’re doing great!

Great job pushing through.
I remember looking back on some of those nights and having no fricken clue how I was still clean. Min by min, hour by hour worked for me though, I know that’s how I did it. It all adds up in the end 24 hrs at a time. I am proud of you.

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Great job! Those first days in the beginning are always though! Keep pushing through

Sorry it was a tough fight, but you went the distance and you won!

Im glad you made it through the hard night!

Im on day 2 and im so scared of those nights. Ive been on day 2 many times. If anyone has things that help for them i would like to know. Thank you.

Hi, 2nd day sober for me too. Don’t go out alone with money and for sure no alcohol inside the house.


Ah, its tough because my roommate has liquor he doesnt mind me drinking and often enough ive taken him up on it.

I have enough control to not take his shit though. I like him and dont want him to think less of me. If i take way too much, which i will, itll be a problem. And i like the way it is where i havent fucked it up yet.

Still technically my first 24 hrs but happy second day of momentum! Rooting for you <3

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Thank you everyone for all the kind words, means alot to me♥️

Day two was usually when I caved every other time near the last few times of trying. I’m a week tomorrow and will be always forever grateful that I found this site. I wouldn’t have made it without-honestly! I’m also really trying to understand my triggers and manage them,(anxiety, hunger and loneliness are huge for me) and keep reading and scrolling through here. I had to post for emotional support the second and I think third night…I have to try to connect with someone who understands when I’m craving. I’m treating myself to other things that make me feel good. I’m reading my old journals about how shitty I feel when I drink. Make a list of all the horrible things about your addiction and read success stories because life really is better sober.


Oh and remember the cravings will pass a lot faster than the feeling of regret you’ll have if you let your addiction control you.


Congratulations on pushing through Trisha​:clap::clap::clap::clap:

I hope you feel proud of yourself!!

Stay strong ,it’s the beginning and it’s hard!I know it because I was clean for 6 months the best I ever had …and I ruined it :sleepy:…I try to think that now I know,there is not only one drink … there will much more if I start the one ,that’s my problem!!!so no alcohol at all and no more guilty…I can’t stand feeling guilty and sadness!!Stay focus and better days are coming :heart:


We all need to stay strong for each other :heart:


Winning keep it up. X