Checking in daily to maintain focus #15

Oh wow, this may be required reading!! :heart::rofl:

And congratulations on your 90 days!!!


Good morning all@ congrats to everyone counting days and to all the new people as I am one of them. This is a daily checking to state my intention to have a truthful day and remain committed to my recovery


Hi guys i hope all is well with you. I’m checking in not just for the booze I’ve just finished day 1 with no cigarettes as well.


I forgot to mention that in Astrology Aquarius is an air sign together with Gemini and Libra.

Water is Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Earth: Taurus, Virgo Capricorn

Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

But that doesn’t mean you don’t gravitate to water, it’s not only the sun signs who determine things like that :blush:


Just a quick check in to say hello! Im having a lovely weekend doing lots of work on my recovery I’ve finally found myself a sponsor! Im gonna start the work tomorrow and feeling very excited. I love my old sponsor but she moved away last year as much as we’re still In touch she can’t take me back through the work so I found a great lady who is from my local ca fellowship who’s got a couple of years sobriety I’m looking forward to the new experience of someone else taking me through the steps … im really enjoying going to bed early and getting up fresh to walk my dog for 3 mile walks it’s really uplifting for my mental health I used to love being outdoors when my children was little but as the years went by and addiction took over I got really lazy my plan is to get some more fitness and get back to some running that I used to do many years ago . It’s lovely to wake up happy and positive. Happy Sunday beautiful people x



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Congratulations on 90 days @Apes2020!!



Congratulations :tada::bouquet:
That’s huge :blush:
You are amazing!
Keep going girl, I’m proud of you!

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Oh man, Jenna; sorry to hear that’s how your day is going. What’s going on, can I (we) help? Maybe just getting it off your chest will help.

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Day 193. Yesterday was a bad day. I had massive cravings for a cocktail. I was bored all afternoon wich did not help at all… I made me a little depressed at the end of the night.
Thank god i survived. I think I came close to giving up.
Nice warm weather here, all your friends posting drinks on social media,…
yeah it sucked.


Just about to start my shift at work. Thinking of God, praying to him throughout the day. Always… Everyone have a blessed sober day


If you can’t go outdoors camping because of the weather, you can go inside camping in your dining room. So that’s what we’re doing the rest of the week.

With planned day trips at the spots we were supposed to visit anyway.


You’re here and you ARE dealing with the pain, it does suck for sure… Family issues and relationships are complicated when we expect a little bit more than we’re getting. I’ve carved out my relationships with my sister and my mother after years of dysfunction in our family dynamics. I guess for me I have them in my life on my terms; as in they can’t make me crazy or mad, etc… I know how much it hurts Jenna, but you keep doing the best thing for YOU and life will be better than before. Thank you for sharing here, I’m sending a big mom hug!


Day 8! :heavy_check_mark: Feeling good.

@Jennajen Sorry to hear you are feeling down today! This too shall pass!! On a brighter note… you sound like a pretty bad ass Auntie!! :sunglasses: What a lucky nephew!!
@Apes2020 Congrats on 90 days!! Woo hoo!! :ok_hand:


How’s your hand feeling these days?

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Had a great morning fishing and we are having hot wings for dinner (the dinner choice should tell you how the fishing went lol). I also had my second weigh in today and I am down 12 pounds (large part due to no longer drinking and laying around trying ro recover), which is awesome! Still a ways to go, but I am fine with being a work in progress…perfection can’t possibly be fun!


Sending extra strength and love your way. Family issues are hard. I’m having like a personal mantra “Just because you’re family doesn’t mean that you have to like eachother, or even hang out” most often I don’t have much of a choice, but in my Opinion it’s totally okey to cut family out if they make you feel bad. No obligations,you don’t owe them the right to treat you bad. You owe yourself to feel good and be treated nicely. But again I know family issues are hard and complicated.

I hope it turns out to the best and that you’ll feel better soon. :heart:


Holy moly, check out the rain!


It’d be nice to have a motherly mother yes. Sorry you’re lacking that Jenna. I’m very glad you got a good strong sober circle now though. I’m very glad you’re here Jenna. We can’t choose our families but we can choose who we associate with and you are making the right choices in tthat area. You’re growing while staying sober and even though you’re hurting now I want you to know you are doing fantastic lady. I’m proud of you for coming here and sharing. That’s handling this very painful stuff in a very mature way. Big hugs.


Day 362. Killer workout this morning. One cat tried killing the other, that was fun. Picked up the kiddo…and now it’s raining, so time to smash through a few episodes of Kingdom.

Have a strong day!!!