I'm taking the leap!

Today is my first day of going sober. I’m 17hours in and to be honest I’m terrified. This is gonna be a lonely journey. I’m going into a rehab that is suppose to help me with housing. I pray I find friends to help me through this process :pray:t2::pray:t2:


Hi @chrisslawek115 welcome to ts it is terrifying at first. Someone on here said something last week and I liked it a lot “your worst day sober will be better than your best day drinking “ it will get easier have some faith if you’ve got nothing else right now .you’ll meet lots of people on here who you can consider friends you won’t know them but they support guide and help me more than most of the people I do know because they understand addiction like others will never be able to . Rehab is a start for you feel the fear and use it positively :muscle: it’s nice to meet you :facepunch:


Welcome Christophet! Congratulations on ur sober time! Good luck with rehab. I have always learned sooo much about myself and recovery from any treatment centre or rehab Ive gone to. Hope u find it and this forum helpful!


Thank you for the support I’m feeling good about it so far and I have a lot of faith. I know I’m making the right choice when I do this :pray:t2: and I hope to make many friends here too and get into the community :pray:t2::muscle:t2:


I’m really excited to try it out. It’s gonna be the best decision I made in forever. I hope to get better soon and finally thrive in life :pray:t2::pray:t2:


Welcome Christopher.
Congratulations on reaching out and getting through the first day of your new life.

Have a good read around here. Join in when you can and when you feel comfortable. I have found the recovery community to be very kind and compassionate. We’ve all had our day 1’s. One thing you’re going to learn is you don’t have to do this alone. I never could. I finally got help and support and one day at a time I got sober. Ya it was hard work. But so so worth it now.

Here’s a few good threads with some good info.

It didn’t happen over night. But I met the best bunch of people on here and we care. We been there.
I hope to see you around when you can.