Let me know how you feel

I would like to know how everyone is doing today . I’ve had a hard day myself but I put my all in to work today to keep my mind occupied I can’t lose focus so I’m going to come on here everyday and try and talk to people who feel a similar way.


Hey what’s going on. Good idea coming on here. I feel ya. I had a shit day yesterday. Anxiety was through the roof, I did the same thing came on here a lot, listened to a bunch of podcasts, took the bike out for a ride. Anything to stay occupied.


You just made me cry but to be fair most things are making me cry at the moment . I’ve just had enough of feeling worthless and letting people down . But I’m fairly confident I won’t be using again . I’ve had to let go of a close friend of 20 years because he is an addict and doesn’t seem to want to quit . I kept myself busy working hard today now waiting on the wife to finish work so we can take the dogs for a nice long walk . Thanks for your reply it means a lot .


Just keep doing what you’re doing. That feeling of letting people down does go away pretty fast when you just admit you fucked up and start doing the right thing, day after day.


Im sorry you are having a rough day. Do let out your cry as the feelings arise, your body meeds a release. It is super hard at the beginning but youve already made the first step and are doing great…coming here for help/ just scrolling through threads to keep you in touch with others in similar situations is super helpful. Have you considered a local meeting?
Glad you willbe able to get some fresh air and good company when you and your wife walk the dogs.
It is hard to let go of long time friendships but even more difficult to come to the realization that they are bad for you.
I do hope your day gets better


I’ve thought about meetings but I don’t have the bottle to go . I have just made an appointment with my GP for next week to talk about my options . I’ve always suffered with depression but never tried to get help for it so hopefully I can get help with it now . I’m so tired of feeling this way . Thanks for your reply


Hey- like @Jasty2 mentioned- keep doing what youre doing.
Depression does take a lot out of you - youve got the will to want something different and realized that you cant do it alone. I do hope you get the help and support needed - :pray:


Sorry to hear you’re having such a rough go. Sometimes it’s really one hour, one minute at a time.

If you’d like a way to connect on the regular and hear how others are doing, you might like this thread. Quite a popular place to check in with the day to day and get to know some others!


I’m feeling better every day I’m still emotional though but I’ve put things in place and am seeking help so onwards and upwards . Work was terrible today though , one of the worst jobs Ive had to do but can only blame myself as I’m the boss . Looking forward to walking the dogs and having some nice food . Hopefully I’ll get the courage to get back into the gym soon