New to sobriety 1/1

Hi, I’ve only hit 24 hours in recovery but feeling very committed. What did you all do with all the new found free time? When does withdrawals stop? I’m feeling miserable but looking for community :heart:


Hey, welcome in and congrats on the first day!

For time, whatever you like. Something creative. Something to help you grow. Something you couldn’t do when drinking/using.

You can check in here on the daily with how you’re doing and hear from others:

You could check out recovery meetings. AA for example has a lot of open meetings where you can meet others who want to live sober. There’s also SMART meetings though they’re harder to find.

I met a lot of sober folks in AA, started exercise and hiking again, and took up some new hobbies with my sober time!

For drinking, I found the first two weeks the hardest. But within a week I already started to feel better. That varies depending on habits, but just remember, it will pass if we just don’t drink today.


I cleaned a bunch!! Got back into reading and working on myself. Keep yourself busy in the beginning. I promise you it gets easier as you go. Took me a few tries until it finally stuck. I felt like crap for the first week and the brain fog cleared up after a month or so. You got this though!!