Newly sober. 7 days today!

Hi there! Im new and i just wanted to say hi and reach out for support and motivation from everyone else on their journey. Im newly sober its been 7 days today. Hasnt been easy but i know im making the right decision.


Congrats! If it helps, your seven days is a huge motivation to me. I’ve only done that a handful of times over a decade and a half. Keep it going! You got this.


Welcome aboard,{@Kat1991 , glad you are here! Hope you find TS as helpful as I have. Congrats on getting one week under your belt. Here’s to many more!:pray::heart:


Congratulations on your decision and a warm welcome. Read lots and stick around :grinning:

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Thank you for the welcome :pray:

Thank you so much!!! Im so happy to be here!

Congratulations on 7 days sober. That’s a huge accomplishment. :raised_hands::raised_hands:


Good for you Kat! Sounds like you’re moving in a direction that is right for you :+1: One day at a time. Welcome to Talking Sober!


Welcome to the community friend. Great work on your 1 week milestone :muscle:t4:
This is a wonderful space for support, advice, encouragement. Keep working your recovery and I hope to see you around


Welcome Kat, good to see you here! 7 days is fantastic, your first week done :muscle:

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Welcome! :blush: it is nice to have you here. You’ll find a lot of inspiration and good community here. Wish you all the best! Odaat

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Welcome Kat congratulations on your 7 days. That’s a big deal!
I try to start every day getting motivated on the gratitude thread.

The lights are always on.
Bring your own coffee, it’s a great thread.

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Good stuff. I pray you go 7 more days.

Cheering you on!

I’m new on here too and just hit my 7 days as well yesterday! This is my first time in recovery and I’ve been loving the support and sense of community from this app. You’re right, it hasn’t been easy, but I’ve found these threads to be helpful when I’m struggling. I hope you find them helpful too and I hope to see more of your posts around on here! Congratulations :blush:



Seven days is hard, but youve done it. Youve broke new ground. Whats the next step from here? 14 days is probably the next goal to hit. Maybe the next one after that is 21 days. Eventually, you will be over a year if you keep this up. Then seven years will pass.

Keep it going! Dont stop.

Congrats on surviving hell week. What tools have you used to get this far?

Welcome and congrats on your week!!!