Plz give me advice

It’s my second day of being sober and I’m having urges to do stuff. Please pray for me if you can I don’t wanna go back to that.


Hey Chris.
I saw ya here last night.

Try heading on over to the Gratitude thread.

Give me 10 things you’re grateful for.
Then read other people’s post about gratitude.
Just do it.
Read the whole thread if you can.
It’s gonna take more than prayers. Gratitude is a pretty strong tool. My strongest tool.
Just for today Chris.
Just today.


Distraction is key, can you do something active right now? (I do not know your timezone).
Like a good walk ore run outside, cleaning your room ore house, a workout, house chores?
First days are difficult, but chop it into pieces.
Do 1 houre sober and then another…and another. Maybe go to bed early, the sooner this day is gone. That kind of things.
Cravings come and go! They won’t kill you, push trough!
If you have more sober days it will become easier, I promiss!


Hi @chrisslawek115 well done for asking for advice and not picking up ,there’s your first recovery tool in the bag and your using it .now you use more tools it’s half past two where you are go out for a walk and walk fast knacker yourself out it gets rid of all that angry stress I know your addiction s raging at you right now to use and you feel like your heads coming off so use that positively while your walking be angry at your addiction get it all out tell it to FUCK OFF when your physically shattered your cravings will go ….for a while ! do any of the things suggested to you now and let us know as soon as you’ve done it and we will be here


It may not feel like it now, but going back…is a choice. Is it hard…yes.

Choose your hard. The hard of begining sobriety…or the hard life using your doc gives you.


Choosing HARD the success is so much more rewarding. At least that is what I am learning.


How’s it going? Did you make it through your day?

I made it through fine yes thank God. I’m into my 3rd day now according to my counter. It’s getting kinda harder and harder to do instead of easier


Congratulations! What a great start! Ups and downs will come, but it’ll get easier when times passes by. I’m only at day 22, but although I’ve had bad days and emotional rollercoasters, things are getting easier every day.

Just stay focused, make sure you got healthy distractions like exercising, walking, watching movies and so on. You got this and remember, we are always here to support you. Come here often, read different threads and get inspired by others posts. Stay strong! Only easy day was yesterday!


Good job! It’s hard to push thru but I found the hangover-free mornings to be rewarding. Distraction was key for me in those early days. I didn’t know about this app until 20 days in so I just listened to a lot of fun audiobooks, did a lot of cleaning, took walks and drank a lot of water, tea, soda, coffee, etc. I made sure to keep my mind busy and my thirst at bay. You can do it! Find what you enjoy and do that. :smiley:


Thank you guys for the support. I’m going to make it through this I know I can. It’s gonna be difficult but it will all pay off one day. I wanna stay in contact with everyone here this is the community I need this kind of positivity around for me. More than halfway into day 3 and I feel kinda better than usual like I’m gonna get through it easy but the urge is still strong. But I find watching videos on YouTube have been helping me.


It is really hard in the first week @chrisslawek115 . It really helped me to come on here and get all the junk out of my head by telling people how I was feeling it’s not a comfortable thing to do neither is life ….but you feel better after I PROMISE well done mate you’ve got this :+1:

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