What's on my mind currently

I’m on day 6 of my most recent sober journey. I’ve restarted more times than I would like to admit, but at least I’m back!

In the past when I would quit I never had physical withdrawal symptoms. Ever. Until this time and I’m praying to God I never drink a sip of alcohol again because the last 2 days and nights have sucked. A lot. I’m in a constant pattern of feeling like I have the flu. Body aches, chills, sweats, no appetite and definitely no sleep. I even took a covid test (it was negative) this morning just to rule that out, but deep down I’ve known why this is happening.

My husband and I are doing this together and he keeps reassuring me that this will pass. It’s not forever, but damn. I’ve been miserable. I’ve been depressed. I have my husband with me, but I’ve felt lonely. I know this will pass and just typing this right now I immediately feel a little better.

This is a day by day journey and this feeling that I’ve had is hopefully what it takes me to never drink again. :pray:


Welcome, Allison!

This is indeed a day by day journey, sometimes even just an hour or a moment at a time. But that’s how our sober time grows, that and having a great community to lean on and be part of. So welcome here!

You might find it helpful to join the checking in daily thread, and the “what’s your plan” thread is another gem.

Day 7 for you tomorrow! That’s a whole week behind you. Congrats! :wink: :orange_heart:


Awesome work. Great to have you guys here!


Hi Allison,
I feel you and know how hard the first days ore weeks can be. But I can also tell you it’s worth the effort :hugs:
I do not know if you have kids of your own? So ever give birth? It seems like an odd question and maybe it is but I compaired those difficult houres/days with a contraction during giving birth. I pussed myself trough it by puffing and huffing trough the pain with in my head the sentence: “deze wee komt nooit meer terug” (this contraction never comes back).
And It works the same for recovery.
Yes, it’s difficult! It’s hard too! But if you push trough you never have to go trough this again and there is a big reward at the end!!
A sober life.
It is so much better then a drunken one I can say :hugs:

Like @M-be-free49 already mentioned this forum contains treasures, there is so much good info to find here. Just use the search bar on top to find them. One I found usefull in my recovery is this one:Resources for our recovery It contains a list of good recovery books, podcasts as well as meetings and stuff.
For example I love to go outside for a walk in nature and listen to a recovery podcast while doing so. That is one of my new hobbies instead of drinking.

Again welcome and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask! :raising_hand_woman:
We are all here for you to help :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Welcome to a fantastic, supportive community @ahayes51918

One day at a time for sure! Before i thought it was just a catchy phrase but actually living sober in the moment is a blessing.

Hang in there, early sobriety and withdrawls SUCK! Lean on us. Read around and post more when comfortable. This place and AA saved my hopeless ass. Im now 2 years sober after 20 years of progressive alcoholism.

Im proud of you for not giving up and searching for support. Dont crave alone


maybe try ameeting might help ,helped me stay sober wish you well