Day 8 sober…after 25 years of drug use

Hey y’all!
I am new to all of this. Never would I have thought I’d be 8 days clean from opioids. It’s so much harder than what people think but I needed somewhere to vent. I don’t even know where to start but expressing it, I already feel a ton better. Thanks for this opportunity!


It’s extremely tough. There is nothing in my day I’ve done without using pills and now I’m trying to do it all without them. I just hope it gets easier


Welcome to the community and great job on your eight days. That is really good. I have used all kinds of things, but opioids were my preferred DOC so I can sympathize with some of where you’re at. It is not easy to get off, but it is worth it.

I hope you will come back to this forum often and engage with others here. This really is such a great community and one of the most helpful things a person can do in getting clean/sober is finding a place they can reach out to others who understand the process.

There is a daily check in thread you may find useful, especially in these early days. You can do this. You’re doing great!


A quarter of a century.
Sounds even longer than 25 years, but that’s exactly what it is… a quarter of a century!

All things gifted and going well you could have at least another HALF A CENTURY of beautiful, healthy, sober life to crack on with.
Half a century!..
Sounds like a real long time, doesn’t it?
Definitely worth being around for, and soooo much living can be stuffed into that time.


Welcome Katie! Congrats on your 8 days!
That’s a fantastic start to your better life.
I’m an ex opioid user too and can relate to learning how to do everything in life without a pill. It’s a challenge but I can promise it’s well worth it.
Wishing you the best on your journey.


Welcome Katie! Congrats on day 8! :tada:. @Lisa07 is a great example that we do recover :heart:. That was my DOC as well so I can relate to the early struggle as I am only on day 104 myself. You got this! It’s all up from here!
:v:t3: and :purple_heart:


Welcome Katie and great job on your 8 days. I’m proud of you. Being active on here and reading everyone else’s stories and gratitude has kept me sober a long time.
Join in when you’re comfortable.
Hope to see you around.

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Welcome Katie! Glad to have u here! I too used drugs for over 20+ years and this community has helped me get to over 2 years clean! I hope u stick around, read and post often. This is such a great place!


Thank you all for making me feel like I found a second home. You are all so brave and tough! If it’s your day 1 or 1000, keep going. You are making me look forward to my next step! :black_heart: