Help needed in developing my plan

I am a 63 year old man who has drank heavily and consistently fo 50 years? As I move to retirement alchol has become more of an issue. Over the last year I have been drinking maybe 14 units (8 pints) of beer a day. Whilst still functioning I have ended up overweight, low energy, angry and depresessed. I decided that enough was enough and stopped drinking 45 days ago. I am addressing exersice and diet as well. Early days but so far I have found the giving up of alcohol quite easy with no cravings, Just a bit of tiredness and sleep disruption.
I know that moderation will not work for me so a permanent stop is necessary.The issue I am struggling with is that all our social life revolves around alcohol. All of our friends are heavy drinkers. I do not want to label myself publically as an alcoholic, in honesty I do not know if I am or not. My issues are not extreme but are diminishing my quality of life considerably. Maybe I am kidding myself. I have told people that I have decided to lose weight and therefore not drinking. This has resulted in a lot of peer pressure to make exceptions - “its a party have a drink”, “a few beers watching the rugby will not hurt you”- even from my wife.
I can resist these comments but need help to figure out a sustainable long term plan. Do I bite the bullet and announce that I am an alcholic? Do I avoid the situations and people revolving around heavy drinking?Do I say nothing except that I am losing weight and later that I have decided to continue with abstinace because I feel better?

Any advice would be welcome.


Welcome to this wonderful place :wave:

In my experience honesty works the best.

You want a life without the effects of alcohol. You have every right to that. “I don’t want to. I don’t like it.” is a valid answer. People change. You can change a habit. And you have every right to tell people to stop pestering you.

Weather you want spend your time with drunk people is a very different question. I find them boring, obnoxious and generally unpleasant. I’d choose to spend my time otherwise.


Welcome to this forum!

I am in somewhat similar situation in as much as that being sober at home is not a super struggle anymore. I got a bit nervous about going out though. I decided now that people truly interested in my company give a crap whether I drink or not. We meet to talk, laugh, watch a game, not to get wasted. They actually should even think it is a good idea not to drink.
My wife also told me that she does not mind me having a beer. Problem is that it never is only one. I now started to slowly tell her that I do not feel like drinking anymore. And that obviously is not an issue for her.
Quality of life is MUCH better when sober!

Hi Steve and welcome to the forum and group that helped me the most.
I was much much the same as you and am now at 284 days sober.

Whether you wish the self prescribed label of “alcoholic “ or not is your choice, but you are here and you know you have an issue with it, so I found at that stage to accept that I do have an issue.
I too was over weight and beginning to have medical issues. I stayed low key for months starting with sober January, and just continued. I took months to stay focused on me, exercise, eating healthy and avoiding situations that involved drinking.
After about month 4-5 I began back into meeting folks, and dipped my toe in dinner with friends, then concerts then some travel and it flowed well. I became completely transparent around month 4 that I was abstaining from all alcohol (drugs also though I never really did them to any degree), and while there were a few instances of folks trying to get me to imbibe, I stood resolute and pushed back harder to those that would see me fail.
Many friends have now tried quitting here and there and or slow down considerably and have noted that I helped them with my positive outlook, weight loss and vastly improved health and fitness.

Trust me, this is a battle for you and you deserve it. Imagine waking each day to beautiful sunrises and never feeling the effects of hangovers. Getting more done than you ever have and not even breaking a sweat. Reading more, bed earlier, better conversation and relationships and never worrying about apologies for your behaviour…

I wish you the best sir and hope you find your way to what I believe is just an amazing life.


I simply tell people “I don’t drink anymore”. Those close to me already know it became an issue and that I go to AA. But others, like coworkers don’t need to know details. I have noticed it makes some uncomfortable but that’s probably because they’re questioning their own drinking habits. I’m still that same fun person I was before, just without alcohol. The only difference now is that I leave early. I have no tolerance for drunks.

Telling people I no longer drink is like telling them I no longer eat sweets. I’m getting up there in age and quality of life and health is more important than what other people think.


Welcome and congratulations on 45 days. If you really want a plan and advice to stay sober this is the place to be. Have you considered AA or any other recovery programs? Keep an OPEN MIND and grasp all the resources available to you.

Welcome Steve.
I got on the app and got sober right before my 60th birthday after drinking for 45 years. This is a great place for support.
I like to start my day on the gratitude thread.

It’s my strongest tool.

I got family in town so quite busy with my granddaughter this week.

Have a good read around join in when you’re comfortable.

It’s never too late to not pick up that first drink. That’s the only one that matters.

Hope to see you around.

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Fat drunk and hungover was not how I wanted to enter my bronze years.
It’s pretty rough at the beginning. And hard work. Keep an open mind and check in a lot.
Be happy to help when I’m around.
I got a soft spot for us old geeks :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Not old but seasoned with a little spice. :hugs:

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My top reply is, I feel better when I don’t drink. Early on, I told people I’m changing my relationship to alcohol and then changed the subject. Your friends will get used to you not drinking, and it will become a nonissue. I’ve never had anyone try to talk me into drinking, but my answer would be, oh, you can have my drink. Mostly, I don’t discuss my sobriety.


Thanks, Lisa97. (Telling people I no longer drink is like telling them I no longer eat sweets. I’m getting up there in age and quality of life and health is more important than what other people think.)

I’m going to adopt your response and attitude.

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