How many days y'all? (Part 2)

Well done Phil :clap:

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Thank you, thank you! One heck of a journey so far but no way near finished.

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The journey never ends but the best is yet to come as long as you keep putting the work in my friend :+1:

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Today is 7 months ! I feel better than i have in 10 years to be honest. Ive gone a few weeks here and there but i finally dont feel like i have to drink.


Great to see you see you popping in with a 7 month milestone :tada::muscle:t4::tada:…way to go Jordan!!


Yes, indeed, greatness is beyond the horizon

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Day 3, Feeling Appalling

I don’t ever remember feeling this bad, I’m worn out and feeling pretty low if I’m honest. Every problem in my life seems bigger than usual…I feel like I’m trapped in a confined space.

I probably have felt this bad, just blotted it out.


Welcome to the community James! 3 days is amazing. We really do keep our feelings muffled in our addiction so it is a lot to deal with after years of avoiding. Be patient. Hope you can get some in real life support to help you through… connection is imperative for our journey.

Your body is detoxing and that takes a lot of energy so it’s normal to feel worn out. Take it easy and ODAAT…you are doing great :muscle:t4:

330 Days.

Thanksgiving was a breeze. Christmas and New Years Eve will be smooth sailing. :sailboat:

Hang in there my friends. It’s possible. For me, the early days dragged on. Now the months fly by.

I remember feeling the way you’re feeling.

You’re not alone.


686 and counting!


It’s getting easier with each day, I’m so glad to have taken this step in my life!
Thanks to all of you for the kind words and great advice, I hope y’all have a great weekend :black_heart:



Congratulations on your 2 months of ODAAT’s Von
Great job :clap:

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@Moe_L yeah 40 days!!! That’s great work :clap:t4::clap:t4:

@Von100 love the words. You are doing great on saving yourself…2 months and counting :raised_hands:t4::confetti_ball::sunflower:

Keep going strong :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:
200w (1)


The big 6-3


Day 12 night 13

So I was struggling last night. I did stop at a store, I did buy a six pack, I did not drink it. It’s just there in our mini fridge. I don’t want to get drunk. I do miss the taste of beer, getting drunk isn’t an option.
The six pack just being there, is kinda like a security blanket, is the best way I can describe it. Like it’s there, I don’t need to drink it, but it’s there. In a weird way it curbs the urge. I did the same thing with narcotics after I kicked the big H, and walked away from the drug scene. I don’t need it because I have it.
The last night I drank, the beers hit hard. I also fell off the bed, and hit the wall pretty hard. I don’t want to be like that. My boyfriend doesn’t need to go through that, I don’t need to go through that.
Today has been easier. Thought crossed my mind to possibly have one earlier, especially after the BF brought up how he isn’t against me drinking, just doesn’t want me to get ruined. I decided against it. Doesn’t have its place in my life right now. Will I always be alcohol free, I don’t know, today I am though.


That would not work for me. I was required to live in an alcohol-free environment for 3 years when I first got sober. And that was my security blanket - have booze in the house and go to jail or keep it out and keep myself out. Very simple math for me.


You’re doing grate Stacy. Especially reaching out like this. There is absolutely no good reason for you to have that beer in the mini fridge. This is your addict brain working you over.

I’ve read many stories on here about people relapsing. The stories that baffle me the most and it’s consistent is that the relapse starts before the drinking starts. It took me awhile to understand that. But I’ve heard it many times.

You reaching out like this is HUGE!

I just saw what you wrote on the check in thread; “you have many good reasons not to drink.”

May I suggest taking those reasons over to the gratitude thread and list them. Write it out. And read others. I can’t tell you enough how powerful gratitude is for me and how it retrained my brain and helps me live in the today.

I saw you on the Meme Thread too tonight. That’s great. Google meme therapy for addicts. New York Times. Google the benefits of gratitude vs anxiety. Do anything but drink.

The first few weeks, hell months. Were hard for me. But I reached out. You’re reaching out.
That’s awesome!
But dump out the beer!
We got your back.


I kinda get what your saying. But have to agree with others, its risky. Theres drink in my house and has been since I quit. Only came close once to drinking it. I don’t even think about it now. If I had my time again I would get rid of it.


My husband drinks daily so we have beer, plenty of it in cupboard, fridges, upstairs in his office mini-bar… all over and I am ok with that. Never had a temptation to even touch it.
My drink is red wine. I would be playing with fire if I thought I could keep a bottle of red wine in the house and not touch it after a few days. I see relapse in phases.

  1. Thinking about buying it
  2. Buying it
  3. Looking at it and coming back to it over and over while I pat myself on the back for not drinking it
  4. Drinking it.

It might even take a month but I will get to phase 4 eventually.

I do understand what you are saying though. I stopped smoking with a packet of cigarettes in my handbag for over a year. Having them made it a choice and in some weird way that helped. I’m not sure I can take that risk with sobriety though. That beast has beaten me nearly to death.